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If something seems too good to be true, it fucking well is.

29 replies

MissTessmacher · 19/03/2016 16:20

Ex-DP moved out in January. We've remained close and I've felt very smug proud that we have been co-parenting so well (sending cute photos of DCs, inviting the 'absent' one round for dinner on a Sunday, being flexible and supportive to each other).

Turns out he's lined up a school mum friend of mine as a love interest. Which explains why she and her entire group have been really off with me and have dropped me from their regular mums night outs. I've been feeling very paranoid and rejected.

I know he has every right to shag whoever he wants. But we have no family here and I have no friends. None. He knew about my burgeoning friendship with this woman and very recently encouraged me to go for coffee with her.

Now I'm sat here sobbing while he has the kids this weekend. I have no-one I can call or go out with. I feel like such a fool.

From now on the school run (which I find hard work anyway) is going to be awkward.

I'm an idiot for thinking we could remain close friends aren't I Sad.

OP posts:
VenusRising · 24/03/2016 11:17

If you're happy to let him go Miss, then no drama is the best way.

I had an idea you wanted him back, in which case painting the new woman in an unfalttering light would be the dirty way to go IME.

I'm glad you are reestablishing boundaries and not dancing to his tune.

Please do contact your friends soon, you need support in your life.
While MN is brilliant, and it really is, from day to day, you need to have real life friends, so start to think about that?

Hope you're feeling fantastic soon!

TheStoic · 24/03/2016 13:01

No drama, no games.

It feels really shitty now, but it will pass. Either they will crash and burn, or they will make a proper go at it and she may become a fixture in your kids' lives.

Just ride it out. Keep your dignity. If you can maintain a decent relationship with your co-parent, you and your kids will win in the end. I believe that is more important than some fledgling friendships that may not lead anywhere anyway.

Yseulte · 24/03/2016 15:57

Where are your family OP? Are you close to them? Do you have friends anywhere else?

FeralBeryl · 24/03/2016 16:03

That sounds really shitty Angry
But well done on your healthy weekend!

Bit of a curveball I know, but as you say he isn't usually so selfish or arsey - would it be worth having a conversation with him about it? It's just that you sound like you ve got a great set up organised re: DC and would hate you to lose it through bickering over a MeanGirl. Or do you think he would relay the info back to her?

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