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Yikes ... 1st telephone date at 9pm ! What do i say ?

17 replies

Tinkerbellx · 01/03/2016 20:21

Ok I ve briefly chatted to a guy on line a few times and hes calling me at 9pm as arranged.
Firstly this is all very new to me ( was married 25 years ) and been on a couple of dates so far .

Any advice mumsnetters ??
Really like the look and sound of him but ive never done this before and im biting my nails !
WTH do I say ?x

OP posts:
rumred · 06/03/2016 21:32

I'm 50 and shmokin hot

Geekology · 04/03/2016 20:15

I'm 56 and very sexy indeed Smile

ThisIsStillFolkGirl · 04/03/2016 17:26

I love really sexy for 50 comment.

The sexiest man I know irl is 50 Grin

Tinkerbellx · 04/03/2016 09:07

I'm sooo sorry I forgot to come back and update !!
Ladies I was on the phone 55 mins and it was good !
After the initial 'hi ' the first thing he said was that he was nervous !
I replied don't you do this usually and he was like gosh no .
Anyway .... We decided another call , then coffee .
He really is sexy for 50 !
He was polite and really interesting to talk with so quite a happy bunny ! X thanks X

OP posts:
tingon · 02/03/2016 17:18

No one talks for this long without a comfort break and a MN update.

Perhaps he bored her to sleep.

TheNaze73 · 02/03/2016 16:58

If that's the case, then lucky lady....Smile

rumred · 02/03/2016 15:37

Maybe they're still at it?

ThisIsStillFolkGirl · 02/03/2016 07:30

Did he call..?

TheNaze73 · 01/03/2016 23:27

Sooooooooo, how did it go?

Cabrinha · 01/03/2016 21:33

Hope it's going OK!
Tbh I refused to talk on the phone before meeting - I was honest, explained that I think it can actually create awkwardness, with removing the non verbal cues and as a PP said, makes natural pauses seem like voids. I'm not a phone person!

So my advice is not to worry or write him off if it wasn't perfectly flowing all the time!

ladylambkin · 01/03/2016 21:16

Thinking of you Wine

cupcakesarah · 01/03/2016 21:14

Good Luck OP, I hope it's going well. You're right, hopefully conversation should just flow, but pauses will be exaggerated over the phone- when you're having dinner, you have pauses to eat/think about thing.
Let us know how it went :)

Tinkerbellx · 01/03/2016 21:08

Yikes it's gone 9 .... Have refrained from large g&t and drinking tea 😁

I think your right if we get on it should flow naturally ish .

Stick to safe topics then !
Be myself .... Deep breath yep ....

OP posts:
ladylambkin · 01/03/2016 21:00

I think if it's right the conversation will happen...relax and go with the flow...don't over think this!

Resilience16 · 01/03/2016 20:48

Wow, good luck! Feel free to say you are nervous, he probably is too. Keep to the safe topics, work, family, hobbies, just general stuff. Keep it upbeat, and try to listen to what is being said, and how it is being said.Do ask him what he is looking for on OLD,and be ready to be honest about what you are looking for.
Big breath,go for it!

Mamaka · 01/03/2016 20:32

I remember having a phone date a veeeeeery long time ago and I prepared really detailed notes for it in case my mind went blank and I had nothing to say!! It turned into a great conversation as I wasn't cacking myself!

rumred · 01/03/2016 20:25

Think about what you've been doing, what you've got planned, ask questions, find common ground. Football, home town, music etc. And good luck

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