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So how could you tell that your (now) BF/DH was interested?

72 replies

noclueses · 26/10/2015 23:20

I mean before he actually told you or asked you out. When did you get that knowing feeling that he is interested more than fleetingly?

Just want to hear some nice stories about the start of relationships.

OP posts:
noclueses · 11/11/2015 23:47

wow Ker, that was quick off the mark from him? what he saw you for a minute, didn't speak and already thought many naughtly thoughts?? and then wrote sex stories for you even though you are obviously a shy person? takes all sorts Grin!

OP posts:
noclueses · 11/11/2015 23:47

speak to you, I mean

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HawkEyeTheNoo · 11/11/2015 23:59

I think mine is pretty rubbish but I'll spill anyway, DP is 3 years older then me, I saw him at school and I used to follow him everywhere, he was soo beautiful (he had no idea I did this).
DP was involved in an accident that scarred his beautiful face terribly when he was 19 (I heard about it at school and cried - via his brother anyear younger who I was pals with).
Life moves on, never see him not hear about him, married, abusive relationship but a wonderful DS and then on my own after anothe tshit relationship.... Find him on fb, message to ask about his brother (yeah right) who isn't on fb and he says the brother asks for my number to say hi. No message or call from brother, 2 days later a text from DP, just chatting, then we meet and I fall in love with the man, not the image I had, I don't see a disfigurement, I see my soul mate, I look at him right now as he snores on the couch and yes two years down the line (at 40 Sad) I found him, my beautiful, amazing boy, my talented light, the one that keeps me safe. (And yes, to
Ottos I'll be annoyed at him for some reason, (for a nano second) but when I look at him... Wow, I love him

HawkEyeTheNoo · 12/11/2015 00:00

Oh and P.S. He did know me at school, he fancied me too, but I was too young. He saw me a few times later in professionally in the distance and told his mum I would be his

HawkEyeTheNoo · 12/11/2015 00:01

And I will step away from the drink fingers

noclueses · 12/11/2015 00:18

Hawk, what do you mean 'rubbish'? I found it so touching, the end where you described him made me nearly cry, sincerely. How I would appreciate it if I met someone like that, precious to me. So pleased for you (and him).

OP posts:
HawkEyeTheNoo · 12/11/2015 00:35

Thank you noclues, it's not as romantic or as raunchy as some others, and I always thought my soul mate finding would be desperately romantic, but it came down to fb and text message, but he is the light in my life and the arms that wrap around me when I'm vulnerable. (We still fight and argue tho!!) x

HawkEyeTheNoo · 12/11/2015 00:38

Noclues you know what I think is amazing, when we are going out together, after I kiss him and tell him how beautiful he is, he blows himself a kiss in the mirror to remind himself. We now chuckle that he thinks he's chocolate, he is just gorgeous, even if it's only is that thinks so

noclueses · 12/11/2015 00:49

haha, Hawk, do you also blow yourself kisses in the mirror? you shoulod both do it! I think it was romantic! and most romantic stories do have some agruing /lovers tiffs btw!

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IamlovedbyG · 12/11/2015 01:06

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IamlovedbyG · 12/11/2015 01:07

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wickedlazy · 12/11/2015 01:14

The first night we met. A mutual friend had invited me to his mate (now dp's) house for a drink. He was being quite flirty with me, mutual friend left after a few hours and his mate said I should stay if I wanted. A few drinks later, he moved so he was sat beside me, then "the look" and lot's of kissing snogged for hours we started "going out" the next week.

wickedlazy · 12/11/2015 01:26

Forgot to say we've, been together about 6 years, nearly 5 year old ds (happy accident, not very long into relationship Blush) living together 5 years. Hasn't popped question, but hoping he will soon!

StarkyTheDirewolf · 12/11/2015 01:47

He told me he liked me, I told him I liked him, neither of us quite believed the other, I told my mate the night I met him "I'm going to marry him" it really was him and nobody else, I knew he was the one for me. 3.5 years on from meeting him we are married and talking about starting a family.

OurBlanche · 12/11/2015 12:46

I met him in a pub, both he and his sister tried to chat me up.

I had a few people round for a party a couple of weeks later. When everyone had left he was still there. We saw each other Fri and Sat nights, as you did back then, and one day he said he didn't want to see me at weekends any more...

... so we got a flat and moved in together. 30 years later, 26 married, he is still perfectly capable of giving me those goosebumps Smile

MadeMan · 12/11/2015 15:40

"We now chuckle that he thinks he's chocolate"

That's a good phrase; I've not heard that before. Smile

Kacie123 · 12/11/2015 15:47

On our first meeting at a friend's party we both got a real stand-offish vibe from each other, didn't like each other at all. I accidentally spilled a drink on him which flustered him, eventually wandered away thinking he was a stuck up jerk and I think he thought the same.

Dated his friend that weekend, then met him again a week later with fresh confidence and sense of humour - bam. Fell absolutely head over heels and have been ever since.

Mind you, it still took about 4 weeks before either of us summoned up the nerve to meet for coffee and then a date etc!

I remember the single days well though and thinking it would never happen for me either. I think the moment I had more self-belief and happiness, I was more ready for it to happen.

noclueses · 12/11/2015 18:55

interestig, Kacie! when you say 'bam' - just for you or did you get a vibe from him first (and how did it show?) I'm getting rather useless (the longer I'm single) at reading the vibes it seems - to me it's often obvious someone is attarcted but then they don't make the move. So especially afer a bad start, I'm curious how it showed. I do sometimes wonfer if I give up too easily, good thing you kept an open mind!
A few more easy, straight forward stories - I'm envious in a nice way!

OP posts:
Kacie123 · 12/11/2015 20:27

It was both - I suppose the "vibe" from him was him smiling a lot (after the previous week when we'd just vaguely glared) and then he came back to the party again after leaving for a bit - we both have very dark senses of humour and we were making jokes in our own little world when he had to go; I missed him, and much later on when we were dating he said he'd felt the same and had to come back.

I suppose the first time I knew for absolute sure that he "liked" me too was when he purposefully moved places to sit near me at a dinner thing the next week. A few weeks after that we met for coffee alone and started going out. I think I might have texted him telling him to get a bloody move on, but that probably only worked given our senses of humour.

He was my first and only boyfriend, so I mean it when I say I do remember the long single days!! Without sounding too weird, I hope you find someone too. It's not a bad thing to be single and some people (like my brother) definitely suit it better - but it's not nice when you want a relationship and can't quite get there for whatever reason.

RedMapleLeaf · 12/11/2015 20:41

I love this thread. Despite my best intentions I think I've fallen in love with someone this week and I'm wondering if he likes me back.

ToastedOrFresh · 12/11/2015 21:34

I had arranged a blind date for a friend and an acquaintance of mine. Just as the three of us were about to leave for the pub, it dawned on me that I would be 'gooseberry' to them both.

So, I spied this bloke who was part of the house share where one of the dates was and lamely asked if he would like to come to the pub to save me being gooseberry. He agreed and went and changed into his trousers from the board shorts he was wearing. He..llo I thought. Anyway, maybe that's just his way of doing things.

The daters got their drinks and sat outside the pub (it was summer) myself and 'some bloke' were inside the pub. There was something about the way he was talking i.e. making the conversation interesting that impressed me. There was a flirtatious tone to his voice or was he just being polite and was I reading to much into it because I didn't know him ? (He later admitted that to gauge whether I was interested in him, he asked if the daters were ok, at which point I sorta glanced through the pub door and made some non-committal response. He took this to mean I wasn't particularly interested in them and he had my attention.)

We all left the pub at about 9pm and walked back to the house. Me and bloke sat chatting on the sofa for an hour at which point he said, 'put your feet up here (meaning his lap) and I'll stroke them for you.' Well, no one had EVER asked me to do that. I thought, ok, in for a penny and all that.

The way he was doing it was so nice I couldn't help but think, blimey if that's what he can do to my feet what's he like with the rest of my body ?

It was time to leave, as I lived some distance away and had to take the other dater home too. Their date was an unmitigated disaster. I however, left with his phone number. Because I asked for it, just like I'd asked him to come to the pub. Alright. I admit it. It was me who started this.

My acquaintance prepared a meal for me a couple of weeks later and I asked if bloke could be there too, she said yes. We went out to a club afterwards, the three of us and we all returned home. That's the first night myself and future DH spent together.

That was back in 1992. We married 2 years later. We're happy but I get so furious with him sometimes ! Well, he wouldn't want me taking out my frustration or my temper on anyone now would he ?

Grok · 13/11/2015 03:07

10 years ago I moved to this country for a job. I had been competing with this other candidate for the position and kept being asked back for interview after interview while the company made their minds up. In the end, they hired us both. My first day in the country at the new job, I met this other candidate.

We took the 7am bus into work every day together. After a few months I noticed we would be the only two laughing our heads off on the bus while everyone else sleepily made their way to work. He would walk me home after getting off the bus in the evening. One day we had to get vaccinations for an upcoming work trip and I had a reaction. I literally fainted into his arms and he held me while the ambulance came and waited at the hospital for me. When my flat mates arrived to bring me home, they found me asleep on his shoulder and they say he kissed the top of my head. On that work trip, he told me he loved me for the first time.

We've been together nearly 10 years, married for 5. He's asleep beside me while I'm up nursing our newborn daughter. No one has ever loved me as much as he does.


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