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Counselling - does it work?

2 replies

supersop60 · 02/07/2015 10:02

Just that, really. My relationship has not been the same with dp since he had an EA a couple of years ago. Is it a good idea to try counselling again? what are people's experiences/recommendations?

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FredaMayor · 02/07/2015 10:24

I think you should look into the reasons DP won't participate in counselling. The point of couples counselling is to draw out experiences in a structured and formative setting with the aim of reconciliation. Counselling on your own might give you enlightenment, but that's its limit. IMO.

supersop60 · 02/07/2015 10:04

I meant to add - if dp doesn't want counselling, is it worth me going on my own, and learning different ways of talking to him/behaving towards him?

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