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What is the matter with me???

29 replies

ChatanougatChewChew22 · 23/05/2015 14:10

Maybe I'm not marriage material. Maybe I don't have the long haul in me. But good grief I get so burnt out on my marriage. All I do is wash, cook, clean, take up cups of tea to man at desk, take down dishes from man desk to sink, hoover under feet whilst man watches telly, deal with kids entirely. I think we speak for about 5 minutes a day, DH and I. Please don't judge. My next comment will be scoffed at, but I get palpitations the pressure of being a wife feels that huge at times. I don't drive. So the school run is 45 minute walk each way, up stairs and over bridges with a buggy. It's exhausting. Then of course home is filled to the brim with just managing life stuff. I just never stop. And all this is normal and everyone does it. I'm not alone and I know I sound pathetic and precious. But I get pissed off, packing up our suitcases for holiday while my husband just surfs the net and does nothing... ever. He goes from the computer to bed to the couch to the bed and we hardly speak. We get along well enough but to be honest, I find myself avoiding him because I feel so stressed around him. When he does speak he's always demanding something, or nagging me or our teenage son. He starts off every morning shouting at our eldest while he's getting ready for school and our eldest is a really nice kid. He really doesn't cause much grief at all. He's DH's step son so there's lots of resentment on DH's part. We don't talk about it and DS has learned to deal with it as best he can. DH works hard and earns well. So there's this silent agreement that because I depend on him financially and thanks to him we all have a roof over our heads, I do all the housework/physical/personal management stuff. For the most part it's ok... on the surface. But I build up this resentment and wonder really, does motherhood/marriage have to be so fecking old fashioned? I know, I know. I am a SAHM mother of 3 (2 in school). And actually I love my motherhood role.I just hate the regime aspect of everything. We can't play boardgames at night because it's ALL about getting the kids in bed, keeping them out of my husband's way. He's nice to them, not so nice to our teen, but he's ok. He blows hot and cold my DH. He works hard and I appreciate this. But I feel so under the gun all the time. The idea of him going off on a holiday alone sounds like bliss. In two weeks, he is spending a day and a half up North for a conference and I CAN'T WAIT? What's wrong with me??? Sad I just want to feel glad to be here but often I feel a little low and sluggish, not overtly down but kind of... lonely.

OP posts:
AyeAmarok · 24/05/2015 06:33

Do you think your DS's weight and confidence problems are caused by your husband? Because I do.

Drivingnovice · 24/05/2015 06:28

Chata, could you put yourself in your DSs place for a moment, try and see life through his eyes....? How do you think he feels? Do you see the hurt in his eyes, do his shoulders slump as he gets shouted at yet again...
And what do you think his opinion of you will be going forward, as you sit and watch it all happen and take no action.....

No one would speak to my DC like that. One tried it once, he's now my exDH.

Start formulating your exit plan and make sure you show that boy how much you love him and how special he is.

In the evening, could you play games at the kitchen table, or even in their rooms. I would. Leave him on the sofa!

Vivacia · 24/05/2015 06:05

It's reassuring to hear that you're going to take these (huge) steps to protect your son.

ChatanougatChewChew22 · 23/05/2015 23:05

I really appreciate your incredibly kind and considered replies. Some of them way more helpful than the more critical, judgy pants ones. There have been so many encouraging comments... some funky ones too. Troll? Really? I'm not a troll. Promise. But thanks so much for all comments. I really do appreciate your words! I chose to marry someone out of what had been a great love. And the relationship I have now with DH is not the relationship we used to have, for sure. It's miles apart from what it once was. And I never envisioned we would end up where we are now. The past 18 months have been hardest and I've waited for things to improve. And of course I am HERE because I can't stand what I am witnessing with regards to DS. If it had always been this way, I wouldn't have married DH. But he came into our lives with so many promises and words of love and kindness. And initially he really loved DS. And in many ways, he delivered. We both did. He doesn't now. But it's taken me a while to a) realise he's a long-term grump and b) understand that this isn't just some passing phase on account of 'work related stress'- the male excuse for just about everything. Sorry to be overtly sexist. Anyway, it's not going to change. I know this. It's all about planning a new life. But this will take courage, a courage I need to find. Thanks so much, again.

OP posts:
magoria · 23/05/2015 20:16

Your DS is probably over weight and has no confidence because he is treated like shit and second class to his siblings.

You owe it to them to stop this before he is anymore damaged.

If you are lucky he will grow up and become a decent adult by cutting both his step father and yourself who is standing by and letting him be abused out of his life.

If you are unlucky you have stood by until it is too late and it is damaged.

If you don't think enough of yourself to sort out stopping this. Do it for them.

newnamesamegame · 23/05/2015 19:05

There is absolutely nothing the matter with you.

The problem is with your husband.

The reason a couple of people on here are getting carried away is because they are offended and disgusted on your behalf at the way he is treating you.

He treats you like a domestic slave and is a bully to your son. Those should both be dealbreakers.

Its sounds as if you are at the beginning of this journey so I'm not going to jump down your neck to tell you to LTB.

But you need to come to terms with the fact that this is NOT your fault. You are, by the sounds of it, a very competent manager of a home, a sensitive and intelligent person with the patience of a saint and a loving mother. The problem is entirely with him.

Once you have realised that, you can start to think about what your next move is. You should take all the advice you can get from people on this board as to the practicalities involved in leaving, should you choose to do this, as there are a lot of knowledgeable people here.

But please start off by trying to fix your broken self-esteem which has been systematically ground down by your husband.

hellhasnofurylikeahungrywoman · 23/05/2015 19:01

You don't do anything? Of course you do, you do lots, your DH couldn't get through the day without your contribution towards the household. What would it cost him to employ someone to do all the things you do?

Is this how you want to spend the rest of your days? If not start planning your escape route now you, and your son, deserve better.

Noneedtoworryatall · 23/05/2015 18:55

Op, you are definitely not a disgrace of a mother.

Sometimes the posters on here get a little excited and lose the run of themselves.

blackrabbitwhiterabbit · 23/05/2015 17:49

You are making me furious too, stop acting like a wet lettuce and get out! Get a job, leave this man, and put your poor son first.

My mum let my dad make my older sisters' lives hell (not his daughters) and 2 of the 3 of them are still in therapy today. They're in their 40s now.

Get a grip. Please.

FlabulousChix · 23/05/2015 17:48

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RagingJellyBean · 23/05/2015 17:45

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FlabulousChix · 23/05/2015 17:44

Your life sounds a drudge. Learn to drive. Take control one step at a time

ImperialBlether · 23/05/2015 17:42


You are making me furious. You act as though these things are happening to you, as though you are passive.

I can tell you this - NOBODY would treat my son like that in his own home. The first time someone tried, I would have my suitcases packed.

You are badly letting your son down. The poor boy. Taking some bloody action and find him, if not you, a better home.

RagingJellyBean · 23/05/2015 17:41

Agree with the above but I won't sugarcoat it so much.

He's a bully, and an arse. You're stupid for staying with him and I can't understand why you haven't LTB after seeing what he puts your son through.

Besides the fact you feel like a slave & clearly aren't happy (no wonder, this isn't a normal marriage) you should be putting your kids first & foremost and if one of them is being bullied by this arsehole you should have left long ago.

There's no advice anyone can give you here that will be helpful if you have no plans to leave him.

AuntyMag10 · 23/05/2015 17:35

Your poor ds. He's being treated so badly and no one seems to care about this. You should be putting your kids first.

inlectorecumbit · 23/05/2015 16:41

OMG your poor poor DS.
OP it is time to put your DC's and ultimately yourself first.
Are you getting anything positive out of being married to this man apart from money??

SassyPasty · 23/05/2015 15:48

Lively = lovely of course Blush

SassyPasty · 23/05/2015 15:47

You poor thing Flowers

I kind of had this situation, my exP constantly put down my two kids (not his), if they were sat on the floor he'd tell them to get on the sofa, if they were sat on the sofa he'd tell them to get on the floor Confused They were whipping boys for his bad moods (not his fault of course, he'd had a hard day at work ...) and anything broken/misplaced MUST have been their doing. When I saw my kids emulating my 'walking on eggshells' behaviour, the confusion in their eyes every day at being castigated for every damn thing, their shoulders slumping and heads going down, I grew some balls and told him to fuck off out of our lives Grin His parting shot was that my kids weren't good enough for him. I roared Angry

Get him/yourself out of there before he does real emotional damage to your lovely lad. I doubt there is much point in talking further to him as you've intimated that he just turns everything back on to it being your problem. These sorts of self-centred assholes do not change. Good luck, you sound like a lively mum - turn all your lives around x

antimatter · 23/05/2015 15:43

Two questions I have is:
Is there medical reason that you don't drive?
Why is your son having to live in the house where he feels he has to deal with resentment of his step father.

Why do you feel you have to walk on egg shells in your own house?
(OK 3 Smile)

Vivacia · 23/05/2015 15:43

Why do you keep saying that your feelings and reactions are silly?

You seem to think that all SAHMs are in this kind of a situation, feeling as you do. They're not.

He's DH's step son so there's lots of resentment on DH's part. We don't talk about it and DS has learned to deal with it as best he can

This bit made me suspect you were a troll. Why do you think that is?

Selks · 23/05/2015 15:33

Oh bless your poor son. He is being emotionally damaged by this bully of a man Sad

temporarilyjerry · 23/05/2015 15:32

What pocketsaviour said. ^^

Please don't make your DS "deal with it" any longer.


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Selks · 23/05/2015 15:31

There is nothing wrong with you.

You are not happy. You have identified factors in your life and relationship that are making you not happy..this does not mean that there is something wrong with YOU it means the situation / relationship is not working for you.

Don't internalise problems that are actually to do with your relationship and your DH, who quite frankly sounds like a total knob.

ChatanougatChewChew22 · 23/05/2015 15:31

You know, Sassy Patsy, you pointed out something that made me jolt. I only mentioned the earnings as a positive. That's crazy. It speaks volumes about myself. I have spent the last three years in particular feeling terribly about not working. All we talk about is money and earnings... rising earnings, falling earnings, the strain of the mortgage, the strain of everything. And I feel I am the cause of that strain because I don't contribute. I am so intensely tired of feeling responsible for... I don't know what. Not being worth enough on paper is really how I feel. I feel badly about this. I know it's nonsense. But I can't help but feel low. He would tell me, "You've always been this way" if I were to say it out loud. But actually, I am a shadow of the woman who came into this marriage. It's the tiny things. He can be nice and humourous but if the baby gate gets knocked out of whack and slips from the wall (we sometimes wake up to find it's not closing properly) we all get questioned. "Who moved the gate?" There's this constant avoidance of possible altercations. If I get the kids to bed on time, DH will be happier and can sit and watch telly all night without a scowl on his face. If I can get our DS out the door to school on time, no one will get shouted at. I won't get a lecture for half an hour after he's left to school. If I don't spend, I won't get lectured about our finances every five minutes. I can't help that his income is dropping. I can only support him. But he doesn't want my support. He just gets all tetchy and distant at the drop of a hat. DS always gets blamed for EVERYTHING. I feel so sad because he is my son and my first born and his bio dad is a total drifter/joker who's just opted out. Now step dad, with all of his promises to help me raise my son to be a man has admitted to wanting to opt out. He doesn't like him. This has been happening steadily over time and I don't know why. I could understand if my son was a bad egg, lippy, disrespectful. He's such a loving, nice kid. He's a bit overweight and not very confident so the last thing he needs is an overbearing male role model.

OP posts:
SassyPasty · 23/05/2015 15:18

He's DH's step son so there's lots of resentment on DH's part. We don't talk about it and DS has learned to deal with it as best he can.

Resentment? Why? You make it sound like it's a given that your H should be resentful of a child because he isn't biologically his Confused

Sounds like a very un-loving home to me. Time to put your DC's and your happiness above the financial security. Your OP doesn't mention a single positive about this man other than the fact he earns well. Sad.

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