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Young couple help me please, I'm broken.

37 replies

Johndoe21 · 29/03/2015 02:28

This isn't going to be short but a very, very brief version is 'I really love this girl, her friend told me some stuff and I don't think it's ever going to work'

Here's the long one

So, I'm posting here again after last time. I received some great support and I really apreciate it!

So, me and this girl have known each other for 5+ years. I'm madly in love with her. She was my first love and she is my current. I couldn't think of anyone I'd rarther do just about anything with but her.

So, we dated about 4 years ago for 1 year. It was great but we were much younger, so it's not much to do with this.
So her new boyfriend (just after me) of 3 years, what a dk. If I'm honest with you I think he's her first love. It kills me to say that but I think it's true.
So recently they broke up and me and her have been getting much closer. Before I go into more detail of that I must add nearly exactly a year ago around this time we started to see each other again when her and her new guy went on a break and everything went great, the feeling came rushing back to me again. But he came back into the picture and I got f
ked over.
Now, like I said. Me and her have become a lot closer in the last 3 months and she recently split with her other half (1 month ago). She stays at mine at least once a week, we cuddle and act like a couple but we're not and we both know it. She came on a very long drive with just me and her to see about 12 of my family members she's never met and she was fine with it, they even thought we were together.
Now, I met her friend today for a chat and apparently she's been saying I try to hard and she'll never see me as anymore that a friend and she will never do for me what I do for her. Now, her friend tends to make A LOT of things up, she's known for it and this girl has a thing for me.
But then again I might try a little hard, I bought her flowers, massive Easter eggs, meals out in amazing places, I paid to have her hair done, random texts for the morning and night. Everything I could. I never get any of that from her. Not even as Easter egg. Sounds pathetic but put it into justification.

Now, what I'm asking is what do I do next? I really love this girl. I know I do. I DO NOT want to break anything off with her. I cannot lose her again. But I also don't want to tell her how I feel because I'm 85% sure she doesn't feel the same way and I don't want to keep it how it is because she'll talk to other guys, she'll 'friend zone' Me etc. so what do I do?

Thank you for reading everyone,

OP posts:
gamerchick · 29/03/2015 09:44

Anyone who allows someone to pay for a wide range of things knowing that they're desperately in love with them and they in return keeps you as an option in return while throwing a few crumbs of affection is a user.

Footle · 29/03/2015 09:45

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

YonicScrewdriver · 29/03/2015 09:50

They've been together a month and she stays over once a week. So he's maybe paid for 2-3 amazing meals, given a couple of lots of flowers and one Easter egg. And perhaps she's paid for a couple of pub meals and was surprised to get the egg (I've never seen Easter as a gift to your partner occasion)

As I said, the hair was probably a mistake. But he is pretty OTT.

EhricLovesTheBhrothers · 29/03/2015 09:52

Because if she had some self awareness about the situation she would have backed off herself and wouldn't be accepting the expensive gifts.

YonicScrewdriver · 29/03/2015 09:55

Flowers and an Easter egg?

It's not diamonds and pearls.

I agree, one of them should break it off. But I don't think she's a user.

HazleNutt · 29/03/2015 09:57

they have not been 'together' for a month - she has been single for a month and letting OP spend money on her, while she knows he wants more and she doesn't.

EhricLovesTheBhrothers · 29/03/2015 10:04

Plus the two months before she broke up with her boyfriend when she was playing girlfriend with this guy
Neither party in this scenario are behaving sensibly. Hopefully this is due to youth and lack of life experience and will all come out in the wash.

YonicScrewdriver · 29/03/2015 10:06

They became "a lot closer" in the last 3 months, which could mean anything, including her speaking to OP as a friend more often.

Whatever. I'll leave it now and hide the thread.

HazleNutt · 29/03/2015 10:14

what are the chances the OP will believe us, I wonder..

BastardGoDarkly · 29/03/2015 10:18

Oh mate, she knows how you feel and what you want, and she's not interested.

I'm sorry, but no one here or anywhere else can tell you how to 'make her love you' she doesn't, and chances are she never will.

Rip the plaster off, go no contact, or die the death of 1000 cuts, good luck.

Cabrinha · 29/03/2015 10:20

Why so you want to date someone who is ripping you off for her hair cuts? Confused

You sound utterly suffocating though. You so know that the bigger the Easter Egg, NOT the bigger the love?
Biggest card I ever got was from a 14yo. Tells you everything.

ALaughAMinute · 29/03/2015 10:27

Sounds like you need to play it cool for a while and see how she reacts. If she doesn't phone or contact you she's not interested.

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