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Very weird penis

63 replies

Nais83 · 20/12/2014 16:47

Ok I don't know who else to ask because quite frankly it's really embarrassing and it's really concerning me and I am worried that I will not be able to get over this... Many of you will laugh which is why I could not tell my friends. My partner and I werr together for six weeks before we had any sexual contact and last week was the first time we had any kind of sexual contact because I am very concerned that a man wants me for me I want to take it slow. I saw his penis for the first time and well it has a smile in literally looks like a face smiling... I really am freaked out by it but more than that I cannot imagine not seeing it when I look at it... It's like I feel I am being watched. It is formed by a combination of creases and two moles. Seriously I really don't see how anybody could look at it and not see what I am seeing. I love him, he is such a lively man and so very kind and I don't want to bring up the subject as it sounds totally bizarre but it's like having a face looking at me. Please give me advice...serious not joking advice

OP posts:
GlitteryPoopooplop · 20/12/2014 21:36

Does the face spit at you?

notenoughwine · 20/12/2014 21:58

You would probably smile too if you were always hanging around with a couple of nuts.

Sorry, that was bad.

CaptainAnkles · 20/12/2014 22:00

'Very weird penis' is a strange title. How do you know it's weird? Maybe it's just really really chilled out.

figgypuddings · 20/12/2014 22:05

Aww, Happy Dick. Like Happy Feet but more penisy.Xmas Smile

notenoughwine · 20/12/2014 22:07

I think we've all seen som weird ones though, CaptainAnkles
I'm actually surprised this thread isn't filled with horror stories.

beautyfades · 20/12/2014 22:09

Extra stimulation.

Nais83 · 21/12/2014 00:36

Now I want to hear everyone's weird stories notenoughwine

OP posts:
TheLostPelvicFloorOfPoosh · 21/12/2014 00:40

All penises are weird. They are ridiculous appendages.

TripTrapTripTrapOverTheBridge · 21/12/2014 00:48

It has a smiley face? So it's happy?

Maybe lighthearted and carefree too?

It's definitely showy.

Perhaps a better definition is gay? Wink

So he possibly has a gay penis. Perhaps you should arrange for him to meet your ex who had teddys,hot water bottles and sits down to pee,as apparently that is also a way to define gay.

Maybe it was destiny that these two poor souls were introduced to you in life so they could find each other..

Hedgehogsbuzz1 · 21/12/2014 07:25

Photo please Xmas Grin

deserttrek · 21/12/2014 09:10

Is it a cartoon penis? Like the Pink Panther or something? If so, well you could take an eraser and redraw it, into any shape you want.

Morticia45 · 21/12/2014 11:52

I sooo needed a good laugh. Sorry Lilac! Not at your discomfort, of course. I had a dalliance with a chap whose whanger was tapered, like a candle - I was unsure whether I should whip out my lighter and like the damn thing!

Morticia45 · 21/12/2014 11:52

*Light, not like!

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