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Anti-social but also lonely

29 replies

choco366 · 13/12/2014 08:25

I'm not sure if i'm after advice or just empathy that others sometimes feel the same.

I'm both shy and introverted and most of the time am very happy with my own company. I've been single for about 10 years, have no children and spend a lot of time alone, particularly at weekends. But I sometimes suffer from depression and think that having so much time on my own doesn't help because i have a lot of time to get lost in my own thoughts. And sometimes i just feel lonely, particularly at this time of year when it seems like everyone is out having a good time.

I have only two friends, both of whom are married and have wide circles of friends (and one of whom lives 2 hours away) so I feel like the friendships are unbalanced. I think I want more from them than they from me e.g if I want to go on a night out I only have two people to ask whereas they both have a partner and a group of other people to socialise with, and with the friend that lives close by I am very conscious of not becoming too clingy / needy. I'm happy to go to gigs / cinema / coffee shops alone but I don't think this helps my mental state.

In recent months I've tried taking language classes and sports classes to widen my circle of friends but never move from chatting in class to anything more.

I think I really just want to know how other naturally antisocial people cope with loneliness.

OP posts:
idlevice · 19/12/2014 00:34

Do you have any time for volunteering? If there was a local opportunity to do some volunteering for a cause related to something you are interested in (animals or environment for e.g.) then it could be a way of meeting likeminded others. If it is more a question of time on your hands there are quite a few online voluntary activities available that can be done from the comfort of your own sofa - just search on the web.

Also, is your depression being treated? If not, that might be worth looking at. Taking an anti-depressant or having some CBT could make a difference to your outlook.

ThoughtItWasMine · 19/12/2014 00:32

Try this - no need to be able to dance or take a partner. Its all very focussed on the dancing so thats what people talk about. I'm shy and have made new friends through it.

Sarahs79 · 18/12/2014 20:30

I used to have lots of friends but found that since having my 2 children most of them aren't bothered with me anymore (they are all either single or have no children). It upsets me a lot sometimes but I try not to dwell on it too much. Has anyone else experienced this?

choco366 · 18/12/2014 14:39

Thanks to everyone for their suggestions. When I placed by initial post I was having a particularly rubbish Saturday morning, facing a weekend of no one to talk to. It was good to know that there is a virtual community out there offering support. The responses from others really helped me feel more positive and have given me some things to try out in the new year. Thanks.

OP posts:
Tattiebogle · 17/12/2014 16:15

Would something like this be of interest you.

Pandora37 · 17/12/2014 15:54

I'm also single and childless with no friends, at least none that live near me. It's very hard because the friends that I do have have partners or are busy so I don't get to see them as often as I would like. I have lots of acquaintances but no-one I could actually class as a friend and I find it very hard to take things to the next level without feeling like I'm intruding. At the moment, I'm near my family, I work with people and I chat to one of my friends online fairly regularly so that helps but otherwise I'm on my own really. Which is kind of how I like it but the loneliness can be all-consuming sometimes. I don't know what the answer is but you're not alone in feeling this way.

WitchesGlove · 17/12/2014 12:20

How are you, choco?

You can also PM me if you like.

HellonHeels · 15/12/2014 15:56

oh, just remembered, I am going to join the local women's institute in the new year. I think they can be quite fun, active and radical - there's a monthly meeting with a speaker or an activity. The one I'm joining also has monthly book group and craft group.

HellonHeels · 15/12/2014 15:52

As well as Meet up there are Ramblers groups you might like. In the London area (the only one I know; there may well be other similar set ups in other large areas) there are groups specifically for under 30s and for people in 40s and 50s so you can go walking with younger people if you prefer rather than a mix of older and not-so-old.

dadwood · 14/12/2014 23:57

What about MN local? Do people have good experiences of meeting up with other MNers when the want to meet people?

beaglesaresweet · 14/12/2014 23:49

thanks, Sylvana, 40s is hardly 'old'! Shame it's so cold now for me to start looking into these, but I will do next year.

Sylvana · 14/12/2014 22:23

Beagle, all ages and walks of life as far as I know but it probably attracts those in the 40 plus are bracket more. My brother and his wife always enjoyed the outdoors and because they had each other, they never bothered joining a group. But it proved to be my brothers salvation after his wife died.

beaglesaresweet · 14/12/2014 15:42

Sylvana, are these walking groups for older people mainly?

beaglesaresweet · 14/12/2014 15:41

choco, where in the UK are you? pm me if you like.

Sylvana · 14/12/2014 05:30

Sorry, I didn't mean to put the smiley face after 'died suddenly' Blush - that's looks terrible! I obviously meant he is now very happy with his new partner ...

Sylvana · 14/12/2014 03:43

Choco the walking group that Hellon mentioned is worth investigating too. My brother's wife died suddenly a few years ago. My brother was left bereft as they did everything together. He joined a walking group, he did a different walk every weekend with loads of different people. After the walk the group go to the pub for drinks, food and socialising. He made lots of new friends, they even go on walking holidays to Italy/Spain each year - perfect for single people. He ended up meeting a lovely lady in the group whose DH had also died suddenly :)

WitchesGlove · 14/12/2014 02:28

I'm like this too, I can empathize.

And I really don't want to be so introverted, but I am wondering whether to just accept it, or keep trying to change. The irony is, it is only so bad because of teachers etc saying to me when I was young 'Why are you sooooo quiet?', which is ignorant and unhelpful. Might as well ask someone why they are black.

I really wish now I'd retorted 'Why are you so bloody loud? Jeez, can't hear myself think?' Or 'Well, at least I always listen!'.

There's no need for people to try and make you feel like shit about it.

I'm going to try and start doing more though, not necessarily to meet people, just because I want to keep busy. And if I do meet more people, and make friends, then so be it!

choco366 · 13/12/2014 16:27

Thanks for all the responses. I've had a look at some of the meet up groups in my area and think they might be worth investigating. I've looked before and always been a bit doubtful but the positive endorsements above have encouraged me.

OP posts:
HellonHeels · 13/12/2014 16:18

I agree with getting cats if you are a cat person. Never lonely with a furry face to talk to.

Meet up activities are great; I've joined a book group and walking and craft groups through meet ups and slowly made some friends (over a few years, I'm a slow mover!) I'm not shy but am quite reserved and introverted. The activity groups are good because they are structured activities and you have something solid to talk about if you're not very keen on idle chat or small talk.

You get a few hours' company and human interaction but it finishes before it all gets too much to cope with.

deckthehalls1188 · 13/12/2014 16:12

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deckthehalls1188 · 13/12/2014 16:06

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MadeMan · 13/12/2014 14:26

I'm anti-social at times because my job is sociable and I get to be around people all day at work. When I get home I'm glad for some peace and quiet to myself.

I suppose it all depends on whether your hobbies are sociable types of interests, or things you can get on with by yourself. Hard to go bowling or play football on your own, but if you like photography for instance, then you can do that alone.


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Sylvana · 13/12/2014 13:53

Pink, the Meet Up social group sounds like a great idea. Would you give that a try Choco?

pinkfrocks · 13/12/2014 09:16

What about social groups like Meet UP? These are run in most large towns and cities - you can browse what's going on - eg films, concerts, meal, etc- and sign up. Most people who go are single but it's not a dating group .

I know it's a bit of a 'gulp' moment to actually go along to something new, but you'd be fine once you were there!

What about volunteering? A good way to meet people if you can devote some time each week.

What about joining a choir?

Also- any thoughts on changing jobs? Might be a bit drastic but in the long term you are young enough to re-train, even go to uni and start over again- I know women who've done this in their 50s- and it could open up a whole new way of life for you.

Isawmommykissingsantaclaus14 · 13/12/2014 09:13

I'm the same. I have my DH and my kids but no friends. I have plenty of people I pass the time of day with but no one I can call in an emergency. I don't know how to make friends and most of the time that is fine but sometimes the loneliness is overwhelming. You are not alone in feeling the way you do.

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