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Dear ex, or soon to be ex...

45 replies

rosdearg · 18/11/2014 12:08

I wish you well and I want you to be happy. Enjoy your weird frozen vegetarian pies for one, I do not begrudge you them, nor will I miss seeing you tuck into them by yourself just as I come in the door from the train, starving.

OP posts:
Crushed2914 · 19/11/2014 20:18

theysay what an absolute arsehole, glad you are well Thanks

TheysayIamparanoid · 19/11/2014 20:03

Dear X

Thankyou thankyou thankyou for leaving me when I told you I had cancer
because you ''didn't love me enough''

We were 4 months away from our wedding and I loved you so much.

I could of been on here, heartbroken, saying my DH of X years left when
the going got tough!

So I really do mean it when I tell people of my lucky escape and end it by saying,
''Thankgod I got cancer, I might of married him!''

Ps.. Am ok now! Smile

RubMyLamp · 19/11/2014 10:34


Two years ago you introduced your teenage girlfriend to our children on Boxing Day, it was their first Christmas with us seperated, and to say they were upset and confused is an understatement. You didn't tell me you were seeing someone, so I had no idea what our eldest DD was talking about.

However I did enjoy watching you squirm when I asked where you'd met her and how long you'd been together. You said July. We split mid June after a wonderful holiday abroad, during which your phone was permanently attached to your hand, and I had a niggly feeling you were cheating yet again Anyway. How I laughed when your face dropped when I was pointing out that we carried on having sex until mid September and so, in fact, I went from DP to OW as you were "officially" with her from July, yet still visiting my bed once week till just after my birthday.

The next few months after that Christmas you decided to cancel your weekends with our daughters because "x and I want to go out" and you "ceebs" yes he actually said that to have your kids. Thankyou for refusing to pay your child support in May 2013 because you were taking her on abroad for a fortnight and "needed the money" even though you earn 35k and live with your parents and pay no bills, because this meant my solicitors took a very hard line with you and I refused to let you disturb and upset my children any longer, you didn't see them for 4 months because you refused to stick to any schedule I suggested, wanting to have them just one Sunday a month that you would pick and choose around your social life.

Fortunately, exMIL got wind of your true behaviour and my God did she ever put a boot up your arse, you could no longer deny anything or lie when I emailed her copies of letters and emails between us.

And no, I haven't and won't tell your girlfriend you're a sleazy cheating twat badger - she deserves you, she was shagging you knowing full well you had 2 children and a long term DP. The fact that you cheated on her with me in the early months of your relationship with her tells me all I need to know about you.

MyPandaisasecretmonster · 19/11/2014 10:16

'Dear' Ex

I'm so glad to be rid of you & I spend many hours thinking wtf were I doing as you are everything I hate in a Man .
No sense of personal hygiene & my God the state of your flat was/is disgusting even though you have your mum come n clean it weekly as it would kill you to lift a fucking finger wouldn't it , Oh and the relationship you have with your mum is just plain weird I mean seriously what 30 year old still lays on their mums lap and falls asleep or better still will happily walk round naked in front of her is beyond weird .
It's a shame she doesn't know half the stuff you Have done and the stuff she does know can't possibly be true as you are a good boy and would never do anything like that Hmm

So the historical rape that you were arrested for and are currently on bail for is all lies is it ?
Also sleeping with numerous men & women behind my back , but that's not possible that you did any of that cos yes you really are a good boy !

Oh and one last thing you are not gods gift to women you at 5'4 with moobs and excess weight it is not a six pack , your hair is completely grey and you are as blind as a bat , The only people you attract are old men & old women (im neither I must have been very drunk Grin )

And please stop with the lies , your supposed return to the army has fallen through so no you do not and will never be driving trucks for the TA you wouldn't even be able to reach the pedals and I really doubt that they would allow you to use a booster seat .
Also if you stop buying random crap such as a rubber dinghy and a 3D smart tv (which is a lot smarter than you) then maybe you would have enough money to buy food and not have to get your mum to do your food shop again !
Your Tears and woe me act make you look more pathetic than you are aAndover never felt any sympathy I just wanted to punch you repeatedly in the face and still do

I don't wish you any good feelings or luck & tbh after everything you did I hope you get hit by a bus

Sorry for the length of this but felt bloody good ! Grin

rosdearg · 19/11/2014 10:07

oh, I like yours, Morrigu. Thank you for that.

OP posts:
Tobyjugg · 19/11/2014 10:06

Even tho they usually lose

Crystal Palace fan then.

Morrigu · 19/11/2014 10:04

Going against the grain..

Dear ex we spent many years together, there was a lot of fun but a lot of heartache too. We were horrible to each other, very immature and probably emotional abusive at times. We've both grown up a lot since we broke up and breaking up was the best thing to happen to us. I hope you find happiness in your life and put down your walls to be with someone you love, not the cynical paranoid person I used to know. I respect your values with our dc and despite what you might think you are a good dad. We all just muddle through and hope for the best when it comes to kids, there's no shame in that. Morrigu

rosdearg · 19/11/2014 09:44

Dear s t b ex P,

I slightly hate you for being too up yourself to love me. Despite all the things I wrote above that I will not miss, the truth remains that I thought we would work it out and I worked as hard as I could. I couldn't do any more. Despite this, it was not enough, because although I ebf two babies and worked full time and now work 12 hour days, and have been operating in a state of grim exhaustion for around 6 years - despite this, you still resent me for not making your life easier because you do a bit of childcare. While I am out of the house. Working. And you won't tell me what you want or what you expect. You cannot be bothered to hold one conversation with me about why you are unhappy and what you think I should be doing about it. Because deep down maybe you know you are a massive dick? Maybe you just can't bear it if we had the conversation that busts your bullshit out of the water and reveals that despite the fact that I am working hard for this family, in every way, every hour I have, deep down you just don't love me and you think I should somehow, with resources I don't have, be providing you with an even easier life. I kind of almost hate you for not holding on, for not trusting me, for not waiting for things maybe to get a little easier one day, maybe even for working with me or at least talking to me about how we could make them easier. I hate you for giving up and I hate you for talking about taking my children, who are made of my body, and are still made of my body every day I work myself to shreds for them. I kind of hate you for being unable to see beyond your stupid, lazy, arrogant self and not knowing what is beautiful and what is precious and what I made and make every day and what you are pissing away with your snottiness, your unwarranted sense of superiority and your consistent refusal to see me as a human being worthy of respect.


OP posts:
emmalouise1091 · 19/11/2014 02:47

Dear ex.
Firstly happy fucking birthday. I hope you choke on your cake. What the hell was I thinking?? You moved on within 4 days of us splitting despite me being pregnant! What kind of person does that. You said you don't want to see the baby because you want to be able to do what you want when you want?!? Okay then. Me and my daughter will be better off without you. I know you think this new girlfriend of yours is your 'soul mate' but this time two years ago so was I. You say the same things to every girl you meet, it's rather pathetic but obviously it works. I know you will be back when you get bored of her. Just like you was last time and how you tried to go back to your ex when you was bored of me. Shame she had more sense than I did. I'm so grateful to you for actually making me come to my senses and realise what an arsehole you are. I was weak and pathetic and you know this, you think I'll always be waiting for you. I did love you and I thought you was perfect. Shame I didn't know how deluded I was and how manipulative you was.

Love from your 5th soul mate

theoldtrout01876 · 19/11/2014 00:44

Dear exh

Haaaa Haaaa Haaaaa. Nah nana nana nahhhhhh

Stupid fucker,thought youd win that one didnt ya ? WRONG

and surprise surprise lost due to your own stupidity

Carry on stewing in your own poison but stop involving the kids. Oh and next time you tell them you are going to kill yourself,do us all a favor and follow through,theres a good chap


Hobbitwife001 · 18/11/2014 20:38

Just had to join in this thread, some wonderful comments about some truly fucking pathetic excuses for human beings.
You are not having a midlife crisis, you're just using that excuse so you can shag someone else ! You look ridiculous in Lycra , and the dick part is all padding anyway, so prepare for disappointment when the shorts come off, you are a boring twat with useless opinions about everything that no one wants to listen to especially about 'cycling' . You are my soon to be ex and I can't wait.

Handywoman · 18/11/2014 20:08


Not a day goes by without me feeling delighted that you no longer live here, projecting your self hatred onto me, sucking the joy out of family life, spending every hour at home carving a crater in the sofa in the shape of your arse while I brought up the kids, ran a home and held down a FT job.

Two things give me additional sources of joy: that you had a vasectomy, also that I never, ever, ever could be arsed to correct you on the use of word 'atypical' which does not, in fact, mean the same as 'typical' - far from it.

I hope you are using the word 'atypical' when trying to sound erudite with your new Twitter friends.


CatKisser · 18/11/2014 19:42

Dear Dick,

Even though I wasted 2 years of my life with you, I just feel immense gratitude. I will never, ever lower my standards to your level again. I will never tolerate cheating. I will never trot on with awful knots in my stomach, knowing something's "not right."

I am so, so glad that when you dumped me, I only did the "pick me dance" for a couple of weeks before sorting myself out and getting back out there. Funny how our mutual pals, who were originally your pals, chose my company over yours.

Your sexual tastes were vile. You downloaded animal related pornography onto my computer "by mistake while looking for normal porn" but you still watched it. You made me do things I didn't want to do that caused me excruciating pain. Again, I will never associate with anyone of your standards again.

I'm especially glad you went right off the rails and got yourself a fairly serious criminal record when you re-embraced "single life." Well done. I hope you never get a decent job again. You are the only person in this life I can be arsed to wish ill towards. You deserve the worst.


openyourmincepies · 18/11/2014 19:28

Dear ex,

You emotionally abused me over a period of many years and ground me down until I was a shell of my former self.

The counselling you suggested I needed (because of my 'issues') helped me realise that. The 'issue' was you. I have never been happier since you fucked off out of my life and I will never be going near you again. Thank you for that though. When you inevitably come knocking at my door again I will take the greatest of pleasure in telling you the above. For now, goodbye and fuck off.

Ps I lied when I said your cock wasn't small.

Onmyownwith4kids · 18/11/2014 18:49

Dear nearly ex husband,

Enjoy your Christmas with your mother massaging your shoulders and telling you how magnificent you are. I hope she manages to get in the fascinating story of the first time you ever used the potty in as well. It's such a shame I won't be there running around and providing the food, clearing up etc while she pontificates about how splendid you are and gives me filthy looks if I try to suggest her poor "tired" little boy lifts a finger to help. It will be lovely for your affair parter to hear what an amazing catch she has

abinitio · 18/11/2014 17:31

Dear ex, I cànt wait until everyone finds out what a liar you are, I'll never bring myself down to tell them but wait patiently until you trip yourself up. It really is pathetic how despite the fact we have split up you try to get in with my friends and family. Most of them think you're an arse btw. You are one of the most selfish people I know who thinks the world revolves around him. You need to stop spoiling our child as they are going to grow up mainly concerned with material possessions and money, the same way you are. Oh and the fact that you once asked to breastfeed from me still disgusts me. You have serious mummy issues.

blingblingbling · 18/11/2014 17:14

Dear shithead, I faked every single orgasm. My little finger is bigger than you. And you smell disgusting. I had to hold my breath when you were talking to me (through me) love this thread lol.

Rebecca2014 · 18/11/2014 17:02

Dear sbeh

Your a dick. You always paid the rent late so that we nearly got kicked out, in arrears on electricity and water bills that are in both our names. Where was all the money going on? You got more money coming in a month than I do now with single parent benefits.

You have paid 5 months worth of water bills since 2012, if you expect me to pay off your arrears you have another thing coming.

Thanks for keep reminding me why I am so glad you are gone.

Mom2K · 18/11/2014 16:58

Dear Ex,

Well, you finally got what you wanted. Despite your tears and begging - I'm sure you will adjust in time and enjoy your space. Enjoy the hours you spend alone in front the computer looking at other women, or watching movies. Or the hours you spend sleeping during the day. The time you are spending on your own now is no different than what you were doing here. So get over it. You always wanted to go to the gym, well now you can. There is no one stopping you and asking you to spend time with them. You are free to do as you wish.

I will not miss feeling lonely within a 'relationship' or the time I spent crying when feeling rejected or ignored. I will not miss the person that I became as a result of being in a relationship with you. Or the fact that I was called a b*tch for trying to reach you.

I heard you say you only begged me to take you back, after I made my first attempt to leave you 4 years ago, because you were raised to not get divorced. Not because you actually wanted me or truly desired to change, despite what you told me.

You are now saying I am your one and only - the only woman you ever want to be with. I'm sure you feel this way now - but let me remind you that you probably also felt this way about your ex, but you eventually got over her too. Oh wait, you didn't. Otherwise you wouldn't have been secretly emailing her within the first year of our marriage. Well, she doesn't have much of a moral compass either and made out with you when she had a boyfriend (who is now her husband), I'm sure she'd do it again. Go crawling back to her and leave me alone.

Dear idiot - I feel it necessary to make it abundantly clear to you that you are NOT the only one that cares about our daughter, just because I had a hard time breastfeeding her and decided to stop after five painful weeks. On the contrary - the fact that I pushed through the physical pain of it for as long as I did shows that I would do anything for her. And by the way - when in labour with our son - I hope you enjoyed the nap you took on the chair, covering your face and ignoring me, just because I decided to have the epidural that you didn't want me to have. I love how you lay in bed for a week like you're dead when you have a common cold (while the rest of the world cracks on with life), but can't understand why I might want/need pain relief during labour Hmm

Please don't delude yourself into thinking that you want this family, or that you need regular access to the kids - and how you miss putting them to bed at night. When asked to do their bedtime routine, you would close your eyes and pretend to fall asleep.

Also - enjoy being able to spend and manage your money however you like. You no longer have me to blame for your crapload of debt. I also won't miss being told that I should be doing the budget - but then have you ignore my style of managing money, doing whatever you want anyway, and causing fights over it.

I hate your mother. She's as mental and messed up as you are. As is your dad. I hope one day you smarten up and cut them out of your life or put them in their place. A normal mother doesn't put a photo of your two pregnant cousins on the fridge when we're coming to visit, when she knows you have a pregnancy fettish and would start acting weird. Or doing it again on another occasion after being reminded not to do that and why. It. Is. Twisted.

Enjoy your life. I love that I can go to bed, stressfree and happy - without you laying beside me snoring after we've had a fight, while I continue to feel upset about it.

I don't miss you and I'm glad you're gone.

P.s. I'm so glad I made you have a vasectomy after you fessed up to hanging out with women from a strip club, going dancing with them (which you have never done with me), and hanging out at their apartment afterward (but of course nothing happened Hmm ). You can always reverse it if you really want to. Good luck with that, since you were such an infant about getting it done in the first place. It was the LEAST you could do for our relationship, after all I went through to give us our two beautiful children. I'd not recommend reversing it though. You're not a good person, and shouldn't mess up other families.

P.p.s. Yes I knew that you looked at porn before we were married. If you remember correctly - I told you that was a big deal for me and asked if you would stop. You said you would. I had no idea you are a sick, twisted pervert, who has followed pregnant women down the street. You hid that really well. So don't try to tell me that I entered the marriage with the full scoop. You are a liar, and my first love. In hindsight there were other red flags, but thankfully I'm wiser now. I'll never make the same mistake. So really I have to thank you. My next relationship should be ace.

iwashappy · 18/11/2014 16:37

Lucy, love the pencil comment, really made me laugh, thank you. (I hope that doesn't sound insensitive)

KouignAmann · 18/11/2014 16:32

Dear XH
The memories are receding four years on and I am not as resentful or as angry with you now for taking me for granted and pissing away 27 years of life together when I was trying to put our marriage back on track. I learned a lot about myself, and I have truly changed because I wasn't a very nice person for a while.
I have understood why I behaved badly and how to prevent my past ruining my future. But you still think I was to blame for everything and you were just a hardworking dad supporting his family.

No I have not sneaked into your house and removed the towels you can't find (because you always drop them on the floor). No I did not remove the camping gear the kids can't find since your last move. You have mislaid it!

I am not responsible for everything bad that ever happens to you in life, whatever you think. You are, dickhead, and I am responsible for my own life which is turning out quite lovely now without you in it!

Aah that felt good!

Fontella · 18/11/2014 15:51



Loving these replies.

I wish I had a soon to be ex, just so I could join in, but I'm happily single!


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Stupidhead · 18/11/2014 15:36

Dear X
When you bent over naked, your balls were down to your ankles. I hope you've since invested in some supportive underwear.

JuicyLucyButNotTooFruity · 18/11/2014 15:29

Sorry for what's happened to you crushed but men who do the old breathe-in-and-I-might-look-like-Mr-Universe-even-though-I'm-a-fat-30-something selfies make me Grin

Crushed2914 · 18/11/2014 15:21

You don't have a six pack, you hold your breath & take selfies! Stop kidding yourself & everyone else. You are not the god you think you are, far from it. You talk about not missing leg day, so why do yours still look like chicken drummers...! Grin
Your 10 week old daughter is thriving by the way, not that you care, you could perhaps ask once & awhile, oh I forgot too busy putting your dick in her & then trying to impress her 17 year old son with how 'cool' you are cause you have tattoos & used to take drugs at raves. You sad sad man.
By the way you are 33 years old, stop talking about school & how ace you were, it was years & years ago, no one cares! Grow up you pathetic little man.
No one finds you funny, no one is interested in your 'clean' meals or how much time you spend working out. Doms & gains are THE most ridiculous phrases & I repeat, NO ONE CARES.
Your whole family are mortified by what you have done to me & your daughter & your mum would be so disappointed in you. You don't want to talk about her? I'm not surprised she'd hate you for what you've done. She so wanted a grandchild & you've just thrown us away. You WILL regret it.
I hate you & I hate her. What kind of woman shags a pregnant woman's husband I'll never know. There's a special place in hell for you both.
You are a weak useless waste of space & I cannot wait for karma to kick you in the balls.
You think you love each other? You don't know the meaning of the word. Love will never touch you again.

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