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Does a man give up his right to be a father if he is abusive towards his pregnant partner?

29 replies

Ihatechoosingausername · 13/11/2014 13:41

A friend and I are having this discussion at the moment. Her point of view is that a man gives up his right to be a father to the, as yet, unborn child if he has been abusive towards the mother. No contact. He is to be ignored and move on.

I believe that if he has shown an interest in being a father towards the child, he doesn't give up his right BUT he has to go through further 'tests' as such to show himself as capable, which will in all likelihood involve social services and visits at contact centres (and no contact between mother and father).

What do you think? Am I being too soft?

Could a man be a bad partner but a decent father?

OP posts:
Isetan · 14/11/2014 08:56

FolkGirl exactly!

The hardest part for me is helping DD manage her expectations of her father. Unfortunately, he isn't a great Dad and the sooner she understands that his limitations are unconnected to her, the sooner I hope that this will soften her understandable disappointment.

Ihatechoosingausername · 14/11/2014 11:59

I've spoken to SS and they don't feel that he is fit for contact with the baby since he was uncooperative. Expecting a further call today

OP posts:
BeCool · 14/11/2014 14:45

That's good news.

Any twinges?

Ihatechoosingausername · 14/11/2014 15:20

Nope nothing so far!

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