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I am complete!

27 replies

SarahGoodwin33 · 11/07/2014 15:25

Been off mumsnet for an age and it's for good reason. I have had final surgery and am now complete woman.
The feeling is hard to describe and it has made me very emotional as it's been such a long journey. To those who have accepted me for who I am I thank you (and love you!).
Still got a bit of recovery to go (excercises etc) but am nearly there.
Now to go shopping for those sexy bikini bottoms that have been hidden by a sarongs for years!

OP posts:
happyyonisleepyyoni · 11/07/2014 19:54

Congratulations Sarah! Enjoy your bikini, I bet you look better in one than me;)

chockbic · 11/07/2014 17:47

Lovely photos.

Enjoy the new you.

MoominKoalaAndMiniMoom · 11/07/2014 17:43

I've seen your posts before OP, I'm sure I remember seeing your pictures too :)

AnyFucker · 11/07/2014 17:41

Oh hang on, I just checked out your pics

have you posted under another name ?

AnyFucker · 11/07/2014 17:40

Never heard of you.

ShakeYourTailFeathers · 11/07/2014 17:37

OMFG I've just seen your pictures - you're going to look amazing in a bikini Envy

goldface · 11/07/2014 17:36

congratulations!! your photos are beautiful (and I have serious kitchen envy!)x

ErnestShufflebottom · 11/07/2014 17:12

This is a genuine question as I have never heard of you before OP. Have you had a sex change?

BitOutOfPractice · 11/07/2014 16:55

What a fab post! Congratulations Sarah! You sound very happy

QisforQcumber · 11/07/2014 16:52

Crikey! Just seen you had pictures up Sarah

You are beautiful.

EarthWindFire · 11/07/2014 16:51

Good for you Smile

QuintessentiallyQS · 11/07/2014 16:51

Oh, excellent!

"Now to go shopping for those sexy bikini bottoms that have been hidden by a sarongs for years!" Well done you!

Give me another year of exercising, I might feel brave enough to be seen in public in a bikini! Grin

flappityfanjos · 11/07/2014 16:50


MoominKoalaAndMiniMoom · 11/07/2014 16:50

Congratulations! Thanks

DioneTheDiabolist · 11/07/2014 16:49

Congratulations Ms. Goodwin.Grin

VerucaInTheNutRoom · 11/07/2014 16:46

Hey gurl! That's fantastic, enjoy shopping and showing off on the beach. X

pettybetty · 11/07/2014 16:42

Congratulations, hope you find a stunner of a bikini. Must be an amazing story Wine. All the best going forward Smile.

Bruins · 11/07/2014 16:41

Always enjoy your posts. Your photos are lovely.

Be very, very proud of yourself. I don't underestimate how hard your journey must have been.

GenuinelyMaryMacguire · 11/07/2014 16:34

sounds like you've invested a lot in becoming who you are. well done, and i hope you have all the happiness you have earned. Thanks

QisforQcumber · 11/07/2014 15:49

Grin Have lots (and lots) of fun.

SarahGoodwin33 · 11/07/2014 15:45

Thank you everyone. I need some bikini bottoms confidence qisforcucmber as I am so used to being covered up with skirt.
Not wanting to sound rude but quite looking forward to having a subtle camel toe.....
Oh and boyfriend is pleased...I wonder why

OP posts:
AlfAlf · 11/07/2014 15:40

I'm really happy for you :)


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FayeKorgasm · 11/07/2014 15:39

Congratulations and lots of happiness moving forward.

QisforQcumber · 11/07/2014 15:36

I don't know your story Sarah but you sound over the bloody moon Grin

I'm glad you have found happiness (and you don't have any bikini confidence going spare do you? Wink)

hellsbellsmelons · 11/07/2014 15:36

You must feel absolutely ecstatic!
Congrats on the completion and here's to your bright new future.
So pleased for you.

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