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Acts by DH that make me want to LTB, wwyd?

46 replies

stripeylion3 · 26/12/2013 03:07

Has told me recently that I mean nothing to him.

Smokes around the DCs, DS2 is a chronic asthmatic, has been hospitalised many times.

Refuses to close toilet door after 20 mins in there, or to spray with air freshened as DDs bedroom door is adjacent. These last two I've been asking and explaining for years and still won't cooperate on a regular basis.

When I'm talking to him he stares at my stomach (Sz 12) to give me a complex.

Contributes one quarter of the rent and nothing else to the household financially.

Has been out of work for over three years. Has had four jobs in that time that he's sacked from in a month.

Whenever I try to talk about practical issues he says he will get work but never does.

Thinks its not his job to buy our DS a pair of thongs,

Loaned massive amounts of money off my Dad for himself and has no intention of paying it back.

Thinks nothing of lettingy patents pay for everything for DCs past what I can manage.

Has decided to apply for a disability pension for an injury that's 20 years old.

Has sadistically beaten me once 8 years ago (I left) and once more not so bad last year.

Has been super dad this month as he has clued on that I'm done.

There's more will post again soon ??.

OP posts:
stripeylion3 · 28/12/2013 13:07

He smokes outside but it's still smoky when DS is standing right next to him. He smokes in the house if I am away overnight or in the bathroom at night so I presume all pressure to keep it outside will vanish once I leave.

OP posts:
stripeylion3 · 28/12/2013 12:58

Pictish and Lweji, thankyou. Yes, it feels monumental and I have felt completely overwhelmed and miserable for years weeks since I made the decision and all I can do is hope that it is the right decision and that next Christmas will be better.

I know that I'll probably spend my whole future looking over my shoulder bit it can't be worse than watching my DC go without.

OP posts:
Lweji · 28/12/2013 12:50

Sounds like a good plan.

Whatever happens, don't be afraid of telling them that you are splitting because you cannot live with him any longer. Even if they ask you why, you can tell them matter of fact a couple of reasons that are reasonable.

If he bad mouths you, and they tell you about it, you can simply say "is that what he's saying?" and leave it at that.

Just be aware of how much unsupervised contact you will agree too. This is someone who smokes around an asthmatic child in your house. In his place it may get worse.
Check with your solicitor all possibilities.

It is scary, and you will have a battle in your hands, but surely staying with him has to be scarier and your children deserve to have a healthy home.

pictish · 28/12/2013 09:51

lion - please know that I am feeling for you. What you are about to do must feel monumental. It is!
But it is right.

I am cheering you on. You are brave and righteous, and you will be so so glad you did it.

stripeylion3 · 28/12/2013 09:41

Thankyou Lweji, I would like to tell them together but I am quite sure that the moment he sees them he will try to take them away as he is counting on benefits to live on. He is a manipulative arse and I have thought long and hard about how to do this.

My plan is to have him agree to child contact arrangements that I can lodge with the court before I let them go with him after the initial split.

God help me, I'm scared.

OP posts:
Lweji · 28/12/2013 06:19

If he loves them, he'll make the break up the least painful he can. The same for you.

Telling the children should be something you do together, reassuring them together.

If he makes it all to be your fault and tries to make them side with him, then he's a terrible father. Regardless of what he says, they will assess you both on behaviour.

And remember that the way they are turning out could have a lot to do with you and very little with him.

stripeylion3 · 27/12/2013 22:21

Is there any advice on how to break it to DC that we're splitting. They think he's fantastic, they are going to hate me.

OP posts:
stripeylion3 · 26/12/2013 21:48

The constant rushes of adrenalin can't be good either!

OP posts:
stripeylion3 · 26/12/2013 21:36

Thank you so much. I know what I need to do. My DC are my whole life and I love that. I know I need to do it for them but I still feel a bit like I need to hear it from other people too. Weird.

I struggle with 'forgetting' that this is in the pipeline when I do manage to sleep at night and when I've had a few nice times at my DMothers over Christmas then panic a bit when I 'remember'.

I also find myself feeling sorry for him. God this is going to be a long haul.

OP posts:
HoneyStepMummy · 26/12/2013 20:23

OP I'm so sorry you are having to go through this. Even though you are leaving him he can still have a good relationship with the kids and be a good Dad if he chooses to do so. He might be a good playmate but he isn't a good dad if he smokes around the kids and refuses to financially provide for them.

When you leave with the kids it will be hard on them at first but soon they will se a happier, calmer mother and be in a much happier home.
I have never said LTB before but I have to say it now- LTB. Did you report last year's beating to the police? I'm not sure how the legal system works in OZ but in the US you would be able to get a restraining order- if you feel the need for one based on what you've said.

Keep copies of everything, old court papers, police reports, kid's passports and hide them in a safe place outside of your current home.
I hope everything works out for you and your kids.

stripeylion3 · 26/12/2013 15:36

Funnily enough my DCs are bright, happy and well adjusted and I fear that taking them away from their Dad will damage that status.

They have been exposed to a few nasty arguments but again it looks like I am the instigator as he is all good til I start questioning him and I get shitty and lose my rag.

Those DC will absolutely see me as the cause of their upheaval and upset and he will fully reinforce that for them.

I do believe that time will see me right though.

In the court system here it basically comes down toy word against his and since he is a seasoned liar he will definitely put me through my paces, wanker!

OP posts:
stripeylion3 · 26/12/2013 15:27

Yes, I'm in Oz, thank you for all your posts, I really need them right now. I have a plan and a safe place to stay. I'm really relying on the fact that he will have nothing and nowhere to go so hopefully will only have to part with DCs for day visits at most for the short term.

He is quite clueless as to what he'll need to be able to have them for weekends and I'm sure wont relocate in our area so hopefully won't get 50/50.

Last time it went through court we got 50/50. He had a high powered lawyer, I was ten years younger and had no clue really what I was dealing with.

He is a mongrel partner and a financially neglectful father though he relates to the DCs very well. He is a great playmate for them (while I do all the donkey work).

Having been through the court system here, I know they won't take into account the first court stuff and it'll be a new case.

I know that unless he has been convicted of offences against children he will be fully entitled to significant and meaningful contact.

If my plan goes smoothly ill have to part with them three weekends out of four WHEN he has a suitable place to take them, which given his income will be nigh on impossible for him to achieve any time soon.

OP posts:
TheNightIsDark · 26/12/2013 13:54

Is there WA in oz though? If OP isn't in uk then although the basic advice is relevant WA and court proceedings may not be country relevant.

whitesugar · 26/12/2013 13:17

Leaving is complicated but just focus on one thing and that is showing yourself and your children that abuse is not acceptable. You will get through this and send a very clear message to your DC that they have one parent who will protect them. They know his behaviour is unacceptable and will thank you in the long run for being courageous enough to leave. As mentioned by others Women's Aid can provide advice. I hope you do leave him because he is an abusive bully.

NigellasDealer · 26/12/2013 12:32

if the police get involved he will convince them that I have taken his children and he has a right to have them back
if his previous actions are on police record, then honestly I doubt this. Has he convinced you of this himself?

RedLondonBus · 26/12/2013 09:59

What was the outcome of court last time?

Lweji · 26/12/2013 09:52

I think you will notice an effect on your DC. A good effect.

Less asthma attacks.
More relaxed.

Get legal advice asap before you leave and have it all in place so that he can't access them or charm the police into having them.
Get help from WA. Do call them.

mammadiggingdeep · 26/12/2013 09:20

He beat you safistically? Smokes around an asthmatic child? Actively tries to make you feel bad about yourself and lower your self esteem.

To be honest- this is not a man you want around your children. I'd be giving supervised contact only.

You are damaging them every day you allow them to be exposed to this awful human being.

WhereMyMilk · 26/12/2013 09:07

Have a feeling with reference to thongs (flipflops) for son OP is in Oz...

Hope you keep safe And as above get away quickly and carefully. Don't forget all your paperwork and passports etc.

TheNightIsDark · 26/12/2013 08:36

Where are you OP? It's not the uk is it?

TheNightIsDark · 26/12/2013 08:34

Get a prohibitive steps order if you feel he is a risk. Inform the school that he is not to take them. Ask them to phone you if he tries and distract him until you can get there.

Phone WA. Today if you can and start getting a plan together. Do you have money? Family you can stay with? I would also start a record of every incident from now on. If you end up going to court it may help you.

Best of luck OP

HissymasJumper · 26/12/2013 08:30

Love, vanish!

He's very dangerous and you know it.

Please get as far away from him as you can? Try and keep the dc away for good.

You'll be surprised how quickly they start to blossom.


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Vivacia · 26/12/2013 07:58

Why are you aiming for an amicable split? Given your concerns I think you should be aiming for an organised, controlled, assertive and safe split.

You say there is no house to split and you're moving out. What will happen to the house you're currently in?

wherethewildthingis · 26/12/2013 07:14

Leave him, and be very very careful about allowing him to see the children. He sounds dangerous, and the type of man who would harm them to get to you.

stripeylion3 · 26/12/2013 06:49

The first violent (v.bad) episode I left, it all went through the family court. The second time I went to the doctors who recorded it. The records can be obtained via subpoena only.

Without me he is nothing (hollow laugh), but desperate people do desperate things and all that.

Sorry for sounding obstructive but I have been going around and around and around in my head for so long now and feel like I am begging the question for a tragedy to occur.

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