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If you were to pass on just one piece of relationship advice to your DC....

131 replies

CogitoErgoSometimes · 15/07/2013 15:58

... distilled from your own experience, observation, or what you've read on MN and elsewhere, What would it be?

On balance, I think mine would be 'be yourself' in the sense of ... be very wary of getting together with anyone for whom you feel you have to change personality or who openly wants you to behave differently in order for them to love you. If they don't love you for yourself, move swiftly along.

OP posts:
Januarymadness · 22/07/2013 09:41

First time i have ever recounted an mn thread to my husband. After i explained that op still wasnt invited even if she helped he said "well that woman (bride) is batshit crazy then. And a selfish arse"

MyDaydream · 21/07/2013 22:41

Life's too short to be with someone you don't like just because you think it's easier than leaving.

Wuldric · 21/07/2013 22:40

The person who loves you for yourself will set you free to be yourself

The person who loves you for himself will set down rules and conditions and be angry if you cannot fulfill his idealised dream

Be true to yourself, keep being independent (financially and emotionally) keep laughing. If someone takes the laughs away, they should not be with you

Oh and avoid four things:

  1. Men who sulk
  2. Men who take pleasure but do not reciprocate
  3. Men who try to take control
  4. Men who want you to control them.
scottishmummy · 21/07/2013 22:37

Get a career don't be financially dependent upon anyone

Pilgit · 21/07/2013 22:33

Always sweat the small stuff. They may only be pants on the floor now, in 5 years they will be a symbol of all the crap in your marriage. Kind of similar to look after t h e pennies and the pounds look after theselves.

akaWisey · 21/07/2013 20:32

People pay for what they do, and still more, for what they have allowed themselves to become. And they pay for it simply: by the lives they lead.

calmingtea · 21/07/2013 19:38

Desert island discs style - my absolute favourite is: Love is not falling in love before you have any real information about who that person is and what they can contribute to your life. (The reason is that by definition is includes all the others, self-esteem, boundaries, knowing who you are and having a good relationship with yourself, and wanting a healthy non enmeshed relationship).

Twinklestein · 21/07/2013 19:35

Do not do in the first year of marriage/relationship anything you would not want to be doing for the rest of your life. So don't go OTT on cordon bleu & S&M. And get a cleaner.

CailinDana · 21/07/2013 17:52

Respect is the cornerstone of a relationship. Once respect is gone, the relationship is over.

AllEyeEatIsCake · 21/07/2013 17:24

Januarymadness - I know! Not all men are after your money.

Kaluki · 21/07/2013 00:11

I wish I'd had mumsnet in my 20s
It took me till I was 40 to figure these out!

Kaluki · 20/07/2013 23:49

If you he to fight for someone they aren't worth fighting for.
Never settle for second best!

BOF · 20/07/2013 23:45

Only marry the best person you have ever met. They need to be great company, make you laugh, be kind, share your values, and be a generous lover. Basically, the person you'd most like to be stuck in a lift with.

Januarymadness · 20/07/2013 23:34

No... really no...not all of them are...

AllEyeEatIsCake · 20/07/2013 23:32

Men are only after one thing....

steppemum · 20/07/2013 23:07

I second the kindness ones

Be kind to each other.

BlackeyedSusan · 20/07/2013 22:51

poledra, yep that too. things have never been quite right since the 91st percentile heads and one set of forceps...

BlackeyedSusan · 20/07/2013 22:49

if he hurts, frightens or threatens you, leave IMMEDIATELY.

nooka · 20/07/2013 20:11

Mine assumes that the relationships that my children have are generally good ones so:

Talk about stuff!. Don't assume he/she is a mind reader

fishybits · 20/07/2013 20:05

I'd pass on the only piece of relationship advice my mother gave me.

"Make sure he or she is kind"

KingscoteStaff · 20/07/2013 19:59

Look at how he behaves towards people who are lower status than him.

cheerfulweather · 20/07/2013 18:32

Oh yes, how could I forget. And never, never become completely and utterly financially dependent on somebody else. Very important.


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cheerfulweather · 20/07/2013 18:31

Don't rush into anything. Don't even think about marriage or children until at least 30!


bumblebeaver · 20/07/2013 18:30

It's ok to be single. I had more single years than relationshipped ones - and I think that drove me to make mistakes, because I was so keen to meet someone. Sit back, sift through the men you meet, chuck away the duff ones and wait for a good one. No rush.

Lazyjaney · 20/07/2013 12:03

Treat others as you want them to treat you, but if it is not reciprocated get the hell out.

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