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Desperately want another baby, husband says no. Heartbroken.

39 replies

cremecaramel27 · 04/01/2013 09:30

We have a son who is nearly two and I love him dearly. I have always wanted another child, but my husband says no - he doesn't want to go back to the no sleep stage, and other excuses such as we don't have space, it's a financial burden, another mouth to feed... I'm completely heartbroken and devastated - we had always agreed on two children. I'm in my mid-thirties and considering leaving him as I don't think I can live with a life of resentment towards him. I don't think it's fair to bring up our boy with a mum that resents his dad, but then i also think is it fair to bring him up as a single parent? I don't know what to do. Please help!

OP posts:
tumbletumble · 05/01/2013 16:33

This is a really tricky one. I think it's a bit harsh for posters to assume your DH has checked out of the relationship. I mean, that is one possible explanation but it seems more likely to me that he's just found parenthood more than he bargained for and isn't keen to add to the burden. Selfish maybe, but not as selfish as someone who feels that way but still brings another baby into the world and isn't prepared to be an adequate father to him or her.

AlwaysOneMissing · 05/01/2013 16:49

Perhaps it is these early years that your DH isn't keen on, and when your DS is able to talk, walk, run, have a conversation, play football etc with your DH, he may decide that he could have another DC after all.

A small baby/ toddler is hard work and pretty all-consuming. Once you both come out the other side your DH may get more enjoyment out of the relationship with your DS.

I agree with the pp who have suggested you wait a year or so then re-evaluate things.

Easier said than done though, I totally understand the strength of maternal pull when you crave another baby.

downindorset · 05/01/2013 17:25

I'm not sure I want another DC - we have one DS, nearly 3. I'm 42 and the thought of the baby stage again is not enticing. We're at the stage now where I'm back at work, enjoy nights out with friends and DS stays with GPs for several days at a time a couple of times a year. It's a good balance between adult life freedom and motherhood and I'm not sure I want to rock the boat.

On top of that, finances are not that easy (although we don't struggle) and we only have 2 bedrooms. DS would have a lot more options from a money point of view if we only had one.

None of means we couldn't do it but all of it combined means I'm not gunning for another.

I can relate to the OP's DP tbh.

Is it worth leaving him for? Only she can answer that.

SherryRoy · 14/03/2017 13:00

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SherryRoy · 14/03/2017 13:01

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EllenRipley · 14/03/2017 13:19

Perhaps you should publish an advert for the great Wizard Priest Ade on a thread that's not four years out of date? Or does he cast retrospective time travelling spells? They're my favourite kind of wizard, so actually, where do I sign?

BertieBotts · 14/03/2017 13:28

Ouch, that website Grin my eyes!

Who falls for this shit?

MummysMaison · 14/03/2017 13:37

I wrote a post very similar to this last year. My circumstances are slightly different in that this is 1 second marriage for both of us and my DH had a vasectomy a while ago. He always said he didn't want any more children, when for me this was all i wanted! I had to choose between wanting a baby or being with my DH. Obviously I chose my DH as he is my world and a great man.It took me a while to get over the fact that i wouldn't be having anymore children. It was very hard. I saw babies everywhere. But i got over it, I realised what i did have and threw everything into this.

Fast forward 3 years into our relationship and out of the blue my DH has said we can try for a baby. I was gobsmacked! So it is not necessarily the end of the road for you. Look at what you have got, think about what and who is most important in your life. The best thing is not to pressure your DH into anything. I found the more I pushed the subject, the more he put up a barrier against it.

hugs xx

EllenRipley · 14/03/2017 18:54

Ooh @BertieBotts I didn't look at the website, what am I missing? Does he cast spells in his silk boxer shorts?!

TheBadgersMadeMeDoIt · 14/03/2017 19:52

Selfish maybe, but not as selfish as someone who feels that way but still brings another baby into the world and isn't prepared to be an adequate father to him or her.

Exactly what I was going to say, Tumble. OP, I think your DH is being honest and responsible. Everyone has the right to change their mind, especially if they made the initial decision without knowing all the facts. And nobody knows all the facts about being parents until they've done it themselves.

That's not to say that you don't have the right to try and change his mind back, of course. But do it openly, calmly and honestly. You are partners, not competitors. And just because you have opposing views does not mean that one of you has to be "in the wrong."

tribpot · 14/03/2017 19:57

Zombie thread

BertieBotts · 14/03/2017 21:29

Nah, it was just someone who'd done a web design course circa 1995. Moving background, odd fonts, random looped video of some skulls on fire Confused

Dahlietta · 14/03/2017 21:37

Sounds awesome. I never get to these resurrected zombies in time to see the codswallop that was posted (and why don't people just weirdly spam threads that are active?)

EllenRipley · 15/03/2017 14:33

Wow. Still feel a bit cheated I missed it. That's nothing @Dahlietta , I once got so confused with the mumsnet app (I'd just downloaded it) that I replied to my own zombie thread from six years prior. I didn't even realise it was me that had started it. Hmm I'm much smarter these days...

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