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I need a funny but gentle podcast

9 replies

StrictlyAFemaleFemale · 09/01/2021 22:52

I do like my dad wrote a porno but sometimes it's a bit much. I've really enjoyed the Mumsnet AIBU podcast and would like something with a similar dynamic.

Other comedy podcasts I like
Joan and jerricha
Friday night comedy from bbc r4
Guilty Feminist (sometimes)

What would you recommend?

OP posts:
Mooserp · 16/02/2022 19:51

I've been listening to French and Saunders Titting About. It's just the 2 of them chatting about different topics and laughing a lot. I really enjoy it.

StrawberrySquash · 13/02/2022 21:43

And Then What is two thitysomething women telling random stories, a bit like funny pub chat.

BigSkyLife · 26/03/2021 16:30

Shagged married annoyed is very funny, though a bit sweaty.

covetingthepreciousthings · 11/02/2021 00:00

Table Manners (with Jessie Ware and her mum)

NikkiGibson · 25/01/2021 23:24

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youvegottenminuteslynn · 23/01/2021 13:05

Off Menu - Ed Gamble and James Acaster have a guest each episode in a pretend restaurant where they can choose all their dream food. They've had some brilliant guests so you can just pick guests you like, rather than needing to listen in order or anything. It's weirdly entertaining hearing about people's dream food. Some pick specific dishes from specific restaurants and some pick their mums lasagne, it's lovely ☺️

Childrenofthestones · 19/01/2021 19:18

"Rob Beckett and Josh Widdicombe's parenting lockdown hell"

Each episode starts with them riffing off one another then then talking to a guest.

Very very funny. Especially if you are a parent.
Its kept us sane for the last 6 months 🙂

Vthirtyone · 14/01/2021 22:41

St Elwicks neighbourhood association newsletter podcast is a lovely one. It's very Radio 4 😁

HeelsHandbagPerfumeCoffee · 09/01/2021 22:59

Tom Wrigglesworth is funny, v gentle but well observed

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