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Any Paul Temple fans here?

14 replies

OliviaMMumsnet · 04/09/2013 22:38

Have been listening to the current new/vintage series on R4
There's a Margery Faber
There was a Marianne Faber in an earlier mystery
Francis Durbridge did love a nice bit of recycling Grin
Anyone else like it?

OP posts:
DoubleLifeIsALifeHalved · 20/10/2013 09:19

Oh I do love them - I've got nearly all from iTunes, though listen again when they're on the radio.

I agree some of the newer ones capture the misogyny and not the mutual respect and teasing.

HopeClearwater · 11/10/2013 22:16

Me, I love it! Though shocked yesterday at the unkind and snobbish way that Steve mimicked their 'man' Charlie!

ladymalfoy · 28/09/2013 17:05

Love the original ones but the few that were made recently were pants. Paul sounded really aggressive and patronising when he was talking to Steve.
I love the amount of drinking they do and all the sophisticated and not so sophisticated night spots they find adventure at.

OliviaMMumsnet · 14/09/2013 18:05

Oh wow
Lots of replies
I think she is not much younger - she was a journalist on Fleet Street before giving it all up to follow Paul on adventures in between trips to Harridges. Grin

OP posts:
Theas18 · 14/09/2013 10:18

I dunno re Steve's age- I think she's timeless and rather like the long elegant ladies on art deco lamp.

Paul temple has Paul Hollywood eyes but again in a long slender dapper, shiny shoes, stiff collar over cost and hat way

cazzybabs · 14/09/2013 08:39

Do you imagine her as young and beautiful and Paul as the older man

TheYamiOfYawn · 13/09/2013 22:47

I have a big girl-crush on Steve. I want to be her when I grow up, even though I think I'm probably older than she is.

Theas18 · 13/09/2013 22:46

We all love Paul and Steve here. Things do blow up - especially cars with monotonous regularity though!

I blame the kids RP speech on too much radio 4extra lol

cazzybabs · 13/09/2013 22:45

I loved his phrase by Timothy .. can't help feeling nowadays he might have said something stronger

cazzybabs · 13/09/2013 22:44

oh I loved it too - I hadn''t a clue and even at the end when Steve summed it up ... I still didn't know what was going on ! I think I am a bit of secret radio 4 drama lover - I have become decidedly middle aged

Crikeyblimey · 13/09/2013 22:42

I love Paul and Steve.

GrendelsMum · 13/09/2013 22:38

Ooh yes, their flat is clearly gorgeous, and always ready to host an impromptu gathering of Sir Graham from the Yard, several suspects, a blackmailer and a murderer, all sitting on the Art Deco chairs drinking cocktails

scampadoodle · 13/09/2013 15:20

I love Paul Temple too, although I'm relieved to discover I'm not the only one who has no idea what's going on.

You can imagine them living in a fabulous mansion flat with art deco armchairs. No children of course - unless they're at boarding school. Can't see Paul & Steve having much truck with lego strewn about the place...

GrendelsMum · 10/09/2013 20:57

Love it, but never have a clue what's going on. I just like fantasising about their lifestyle and wondering why DH and I never go out for an evening of dancing and being shot at.

Also why are Steve's clothes so nice? How much money did she get to spend on them? Why can I not spend so much money on my clothes when I have a job of my very own and a husband who does not spend his time being shot at instead of getting on with his gainful employment?

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