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Has anyone had a silvercross Pop Duo?

5 replies

GhoulsAreLoud · 23/10/2009 13:55

The age gap will be 23 months so I don't really want to splash out on a P&T which I don't think I'll get that much use out of. PLus I don't really like them much anyway.

I went into mothercare to look at the twin techno but found it a bit bulky, really liked the look of the pop duo though.

Has anyone got any feedback on them?

I need it to fit in the boot of a Polo, will mainly be used for shopping and short dog walks (long ones we might just use two separate buggies as alredy have two good ones).


OP posts:
Jennylee · 24/10/2009 19:58

I have the single adn would nto buy the double as the brakes on the single are rubbish and as I am quite short the handles are too high, also does not recline too far even though is meant to be suitable from birth, looks good though

GhoulsAreLoud · 24/10/2009 18:58

One last bump..

OP posts:
GhoulsAreLoud · 23/10/2009 17:04

Bump in case anyone else has had one.

OP posts:
GhoulsAreLoud · 23/10/2009 14:03

Thanks Ceolas, have been wondering if we can get away with a buggy board, or our Pliko has a toddler step.

I'm not sure though, DD is 14mo and not yet walking and I think she would enjoy being able to rest going round the shops and things. Guess I'll have to see nearer the time.

OP posts:
Ceolas · 23/10/2009 13:59

Don't have the duo but I have the single and like it a lot. I also have a 23 month gap and am managing OK with a buggy board. It might work for you if you're not planning long walks?

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