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Joolz Aer + vs Bugaboo Butterfly

1 reply

boymama55 · 31/03/2024 21:16


Need a new travel pram asap. We have the icandy peach 6 double, but considering selling as my eldest turns 3 in summer and never uses the extra seat. We also don’t have a hallway so our front room which we use as a dining room has been home to that pram for the past 2 years as it’s too much of a faff to move it up and down our basement stairs every day. Basically we’re ready to upgrade to a more compact pram. Around 6 months ago he stopped going in it and only wants to stand on the frame or sit in the basket- never needed a buggy board in the end. Our youngest is only 15 months so we will need a pram for at least a couple more years. I don’t drive and walk everywhere so the basket is important to me as I like to be able to fit my food shop in there as well as the boys things for days out in the city. I would most like need a buggy board for whichever option I go for as I doubt the pram frame would be strong enough to just be stood on like our icandy frame (it’s a very sturdy and robust pram even if it does take up a lot of space!).

Going to London at the end of the month just me and my 2 year old & would probably need a travel pram for then. It’s 2 hours on the train so I would definitely need a pram that folds down small as it’s a very busy train route.

Can anyone please advise on either options, particularly interested if you had the buggy board for an older child and also how roomy/practical the basket was. I think the bugaboo basket is 8kg vs Joolz 5kg.

OP posts:
LiquoriceAllsorts2 · 01/04/2024 18:47

I have both of them and really like them both; it’s difficult to choose between them and I don’t think you can go wrong with either. I haven’t used a board on it though.

both similar size and weight and very easy to fold and push one handed.

some differences:

  • the aer fully reclines and the butterfly is only partial, but unless it’s for an under 6 month the recline on the butterfly
  • the butterfly has a better basket underneath. It holds loads, the aer is ok but not as big
  • the butterfly has a wrist strap on the handle
  • the brake on the butterfly is better
  • the aer is easier to carry over your shoulder when folded
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