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Why does my baby slouch in the pram/pushchair?

5 replies

brookk1234 · 25/10/2023 13:54

Hi everyone, my little one just turned 1 years old and I cannot get him to stay upright in the buggy! He is completely slouched over I always feel like he is hating the pram!! Any suggestions for what I can do? I worry about his posture later on in life!

OP posts:
Needmorelego · 25/10/2023 13:57

What type of straps are they? Are they fully tight? Is the seat up to upright - maybe it needs to be leaning back more?
Does he actually complain or is he quite happy? I see babies in buggies in the most bizarre and uncomfortable looking positions but they are happy enough.

Singleandproud · 25/10/2023 14:00

How is his core strength when not in a buggy? If it's fine and he can sit up unaided for a sustained amount of time I wouldn't worry. If he can't it might be worth a discussion with the HV.

BertieBotts · 07/11/2023 14:12

What pram do you have? Some of them have absolutely crap designed seats that don't support children properly at all and just suspend them off the harness, it seems totally uncomfortable!!

coxesorangepippin · 07/11/2023 14:23

Slouched forward or backward?

Is he just tired?

ZBP1977 · 30/03/2024 09:38

Have you considered a Wedge pram cushion for the buggy? I think they are by Eyas London or similar, and they help LO sit up and have a good sitting posture. Worked really well for our LO who was always fussing and slouching before

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