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Converting pram to pushchair early

5 replies

LostAtTheFair · 25/08/2016 12:18

My DS is 4.5 months and is very big for his pram bassinet - he only just about fits abs isn't comfortable. He also hates the way he has to stare upwards from the pram a d can't see what's going on around him. I'm thinking if converting our pram (bugaboo cameleon 3) to pushchair mode in the next couple of weeks. DS is able to sit in a bumbo chair and a bouncy chair so has good neck control

OP posts:
TheHubblesWindscreenWipers · 25/08/2016 21:23

Ds was in from under four months. Suddenly started getting pissed off at being in the pram and trying to claw himself up. He's had decent head control since birth so he did OK.

LostAtTheFair · 25/08/2016 13:22

Thanks all!

OP posts:
Wait4nothing · 25/08/2016 12:30

I've converted ours at 3.5 months - she was almost too big for it but also started to cry everytime she went in (she wants to be sat up constantly) we have a icandy strawberry2 and the seat reclines pretty much horizontal so I can have her sat up for half an hour then lay her down. She prefers being laid down in the seat as the sides aren't as high so she can still see out.

CakeAndChocolate · 25/08/2016 12:23

I converted DS's at about 4.5/5 months because he just hated the bassinet. He was so much happier. Same buggy as yours.

mangocoveredlamb · 25/08/2016 12:20

I did DD's just shy of five months because we were going on holiday and I didn't think the bassinet would last. We've the Uppababy and you can buy an infant insert, does the bugaboo have similar?

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