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Best all terrain parent facing? Easywalker mosey?

8 replies

IWantDogger · 09/12/2014 08:07

Is the easywalker mosey my best option? And how all terrain is it?
Ideally I want something quite easy to fold and get in and out of boot, with a carrycot option for newborn and that can fit the maxi cosi I already have. Had bugaboo Cameleon for DDs 1 & 2 and loved it but we were in London and now we're in the country.
Was all decided on nipper out n about because of good reviews on off roading, easy to push, easy to fold and great price but then remembered how much I loved having the dd's parent facing.

Considered Jane reverse but put off by bulky car seat/carrycot thing when already have maxi cosi and 2 part fold.

Will easy walker mosey do it for me or is it not an all terrain in same league as nipper? But I'm thinking I can always pick up a second hand nipper in future?

Will the easywalker take a buggy board?

Wouldn't want to go more expensive than the easywalker so bugaboo buffalo is out I think and have read its heavy.

OP posts:
Tiggywunkle · 12/12/2014 17:25

I love my Mosey :)
It is a great all round pushchair - it does a bit of everything well.

dyslexicdespot · 12/12/2014 11:33

We had a Brio Go for DS- it was brilliant.

nwilson12 · 12/12/2014 11:13

IWant have taken the mosey out this morning in icy conditions on off roadish terrain to see what it was like. It coped quite well (better than I expected) although did feel a little bit bumpy. here are some photos for you

captain having used both now I do prefer the mosey to the versa. It is lighter to push, very easy one handed and the basket is actually ok - not huge but fits in a couple of bags plus the handle bar has 2 hooks on for light bags. Also when folded although the mosey is longer, the seat unit is very compact so there is space to fit bags inbetween the seat and the handle where as the versa takes up half the boot. Both are good pushchairs

Best all terrain parent facing? Easywalker mosey?
Best all terrain parent facing? Easywalker mosey?
Best all terrain parent facing? Easywalker mosey?
CaptainMorgansMistress · 10/12/2014 08:28

It sounds like you and I are both trying to make the same decision!

I'm still undecided, although swaying slightly towards the versa gt currently (will probably change tomorrow!). Reason is mainly due to folded size - the mosey is 10cm longer folded just due to the handle; and size of basket - versa's is huge, mosey's not massive and we will be doing school run with it too.

But still not sure - aaaarrrgghhh!!

lentilpot · 10/12/2014 08:03

I have the baby jogger versa gt, which ticks all your boxes. I'm not sure if the price would be right if you went brand new for everything (we got ours half price) but you could get the pushchair new and a second hand carrycot I reckon. It's great off road and folds super flat to go in the boot.

But I kinda wish the mosey had been around when DS was born! Folding carrycot sounds amazing!

TeaPleaseBob · 09/12/2014 21:15

Have you tried your cameleon on the path? I have the frog and it handles bumpy country paths well when big wheels at front.

That said I love the look of the mosey and if I could justify it would buy one to try it out. Wink

IWantDogger · 09/12/2014 16:34

Thankyou that's all very helpful. I'm 95% sold on an easywalker!

Don't suppose you fancy an off road walk anytime soon?! If you do, let me know how you get on!

We can go through a wooded bit at the bottom of our garden onto a bumpy unmade up road/track which leads down to the village and school, there is a quicker way down a fairly busy road but I'll probably be doing the garden/lane route fairly often with the buggy and I think the easywalker looks like it would cope ok.... I don't think I'm going to get a 3 wheeler parent facing so there's got to be a compromise somewhere!

Dc3 isn't due till June (I love pondering buggies!) so I guess it would be sensible to wait til spring and by then there might be some more reviews/more stockists plus who knows what else amazing might come onto the market!

OP posts:
nwilson12 · 09/12/2014 10:19

I've just got a mosey and I think it's great :) I've only tried it on pavements/gravel so far and it's been fine. I'm sure it will handle rougher terrain ok but it depends on where you are planning to go with it. I've had a nipper too and it's probably a bit nicer to push as it's got air tyres but as you say you could buy a cheap one if you need it.

There's more info and some photos on this thread if you've not read it.

I've also found this site which has just done a review (will need translated) but if you go to the bottom it shows the mosey being used in woods.

Also on

And video

After all the pushchairs I've used (bugaboo, baby jogger, icandy, nipper, britax and the list goes on), I think the Easywalker Mosey is perfect for what I need.

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