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Bugaboo Cameleon or Quinny Buzz

14 replies

Lulabel27 · 04/10/2010 22:56

Sorry if this has been asked before but I'm torn between the two. This is my first child, we live in London but by a loose terrain river towpath which I plan to walk along a lot.

I love the Cameleon but not sure I can justify the cost. The Buzz seems a fair compromise on price and functionality but have read some bad reviews. What are your thoughts between the two? I could stretch to the cameleon but need to know its worth it iyswim.

OP posts:
mumface · 05/10/2010 19:42

Another Cameleon vote. Mine is on our 3rd baby and still going strong. Love how you never get bored of it as you can just change the colours.

Lulabel27 · 05/10/2010 17:03

Hi All
Thank you for your opinions I think we're going to go for the bugaboo :-) We had a look on ebay the resale value is great. We're now torn whether to get a new one and sell it in a few years time or buy a second hand one. The resale value is so good it seems a sensible choice!

OP posts:
ILoveGregoryHouse · 05/10/2010 11:05

The Cameleon, definitely. I've also had a buzz and it was heavy.

And, if you keep it in good nick, the resale of the bugaboo is good (see ebay).

Look at a Jane too.

JustDoMyLippyThenWeWillGo · 05/10/2010 10:47

Bugaboo, definitely. I had one, and friends with Quinnys reckoned mine much better. My Cameleon was well worth the money.

everythingiseverything · 05/10/2010 10:45

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oranges123 · 04/10/2010 23:35

We narrowed our choice down to the Buzz or the Cameleon and we opted for the Bugaboo based on weight, manoeuvrability and the carrycot which DD did actually sleep in at night for a while between her moses basket and her cot. Also we were able to bring it upstairs after an evening out and she continued to sleep in it with no need to wake her for transfer.

We have a cheap umbrella-fold buggy for buses and planes (as the Bugaboo doesn't fold down far enough) but we really notice the difference in how hard it is to push.

We haven't done much off-roading but on sand and thick grass/mud the fact that you can switch wheels round so that the big ones are at the front seems to do the trick.

You do need a biggish car boot and somewhere to store it but that is probably true for the Buzz too.

DD is 10 months now and we still don't regret buying it.

IMoveTheStars · 04/10/2010 23:19

Lulabel - I didn't know about M&P when I bought ours.. wish I had. Also look at the Luna with carrycot. Superb pram that folds up very small and is a dream to push.

PLEEEAASE don't get a Buzz, I beg you!

If you can, buy your pram from John Lewis. The guarantee starts from the day they deliver it and their customer service is something else (so if it breaks/is shit they will let you return is rather than sending it off to repair like Mothercare)

Lulabel27 · 04/10/2010 23:15

Gosh thanks for your quick responses!

GreenandBlack - I've heard the wide back wheel base is quite difficult for shop doors/aisles and also the buggy isn't deep/big enough for toddlers. But wasn't sure if these were one off thoughts or general consensus.

It does seem amazing how many people recommend bugaboo. I don't think I've heard anything negative - perhaps people here can prove me wrong?

Jareth - thank you for the tip re: Urbo, I haven't actually looked at Mamas & Papas prams. I'll take a look next weekend.

OP posts:
YanknCock · 04/10/2010 23:10

I had a secondhand Buzz that I hated and spent a lot of time wishing I'd done a bit more research. Would much rather have had a Bugaboo or an ICandy Cherry.

Usual complaints about Buzz:
-Stupidly heavy (and I'm no delicate flower)
-Too wide
-Annoying to fold down

My friend's Bugaboo looked so light and lovely Envy

tethersend · 04/10/2010 23:07

Get the bugaboo, no question. Great for bumping up and down tube steps, great to steer and very smooth on canal towpaths. Also comes with carrycot so baby can lie flat.

I got mine 2nd hand on ebay- just buy new covers.

everythingiseverything · 04/10/2010 23:06

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GreenAndBlack · 04/10/2010 23:05

Agree about width though, we can't use front door always the French doors but tbh we always intended that as hard floor vs cream carpet.

GreenAndBlack · 04/10/2010 23:03

I have a buzz and do love it and it has 18months of good use. What specific things have you heard re: buzz? I did a lot of research as was concerned about it bring ok for walking, we walk on a disused railway line and it's fine, not great on thick gravel or sand but otherwise fab. However will you alwys be hankering after the bugaboo? If so get that.

IMoveTheStars · 04/10/2010 23:01

NOT a Quinny Buzz... get ANYTHING else. They're a bastard to steer once your LO weighs more than a bag of sugar and are too wide to get through a lot of doorways and around shops easily. In Waitrose the weird front wheel wouldn't grip the floor and I'd have to tip it back and push it around on 2 wheels. Is absolute bollocks.

We have a normal sized front door and the Quinny only just fit through it (I've had a double buggy that fitted through, why the Quinny needs to be so big I have no idea)

PLEASE don't buy one, they're SHIT

May I recommend the M&P Urbo.

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