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How much to tip the builder's team?

6 replies

missingthemountains · 04/11/2009 20:57

We are currently having loads of building works done and all of the team have been so friendly and considerate (as well as doing a good job). When the work is nearly finished we would like to tip them but have no idea how much??

There are 4 people to tip and the whole build will take about 10 weeks in total.

OP posts:
jeanjeannie · 05/11/2009 14:01

According to DP it's highly unusual to tip - but much appreciated! He's bought home nice wine and a fab bumper pack of goodies for DC from Pumpkin Patch...I liked those clients very much!

Decide if they're wine or beer boys. And yes, you sound lovely

nappyzonecantrunfortoffee · 05/11/2009 13:01

really ? we gettign building works done starting next week all beign project managed by the man in charge andi never really considered this - thought it was enough i would make the occasional brew up . I havent budgeted for beer!

bonfirewithaheartofgold · 04/11/2009 21:19

for 10-wk build i'd def get spirits - see if you can sound them out surreptitiously for faves.

ILikeToMoveItMoveIt · 04/11/2009 21:13

Yes you are a skinflint Feelingsensitive.

Im a sure a pack of beer each would be really appreciated. It's not how much you spend, it's the thought.

You sound like a lovely customer!

bonfirewithaheartofgold · 04/11/2009 21:11

we give booze on completion of building work, seems to be appreciated

Feelingsensitive · 04/11/2009 21:09

Is this normal etiquette? I wouldn't personally. Surely they are just doing their job. Its an added bonus they are friendly and considerate but really its all part of the service they should provide.Its also in their interests as you are them more likely to use them again or recommend them.

Perhaps I am just an old skin flint though.

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