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Niche house for sale - no viewings

60 replies

Icantfindausername · 16/10/2020 08:16

We are selling our 4 storey townhouse which probably doesn't appeal to a large audience as it's like a terraced with lots of stairs, albeit lovely and big.

Its been up for sale for 7 days now and no interest whatsoever.

We did out it up at the higher end of 3 valuations as we arent in a rush to sell because we havent seen anything we like in months. (Apart from 1 which sold within 5 days)

I just feel a little disheartened because people are selling so fast, having like 8 viewings in a few days and we've not had one.

Any thoughts? And I'm not brave enough to put a link up sorry!

OP posts:
VikingsandDragons · 16/10/2020 09:45

It's hard to comment without knowing what other properties are for sale in the area, and previous sold prices for similar properties to yours. Would you post a link to houses within say 1/4 mile of yours?

FippertyGibbett · 16/10/2020 09:46

I wouldn’t be considering moving house with the situation we are in now.
Maybe you’ve got to wait until the economy is more stable.
Plus, we’re heading towards Xmas and people don’t want to move then.

mklanch · 16/10/2020 09:53


We're in a similar position. Very nIche house. One viewing in 4 weeks had good feedback but they preferred another house nearby based on garden size (although ours is just under an acre) We can't understand why either so no advice to offer but just wondering if people are sticking to more regular housing due to uncertainty at this time.

im suprised your house isnt flying of the market if it comes with land! we have been looking for over 6 months for a house with land and everything we see flies of the market before we get the chance to view!
RationalOne · 16/10/2020 10:11

niche - is that another way of saying bloody awful house with 4 floors and so not suitable for an array of people, hence the low interest?

fabulousathome · 16/10/2020 10:13

Why not put a link up here? You will increase those who see it by a huge amount!

If it's on Rightmove then it's already out for all to see.

(OK, I'm a bit nosey).

Hailtomyteeth · 16/10/2020 10:15

Link, please.

ThomasHardyPerennial · 16/10/2020 10:16

7 days Confused. Honestly, get some perspective.

Mumofwho · 16/10/2020 10:21

The first two weeks are the most important. If you don’t get interest then you should worry. People who have been looking and are serious would be getting daily updates. They would have done a lot of research by now and are seasoned. Chances are they will be setting their searches to focus on the most recent 14 days or even 24 hrs as they would be checking constantly for new listing. If they have not shown any interest then you are basically relying on people who are coming fresh to the search for a house.

user1471538283 · 18/10/2020 08:30

It will be the price. We were up for a high price and didn't get one viewing. We reduced significantly and sold within two days

Darkestseasonofall · 18/10/2020 08:39

Whenever there's a "my house isn't selling" thread on here I assume it'll be a townhouse, and it usually is.
You know your market excludes people with young dc, people who want dc, people with mobility issues, older people, people planning for old age, disorganised people like me.... You're appealing to about 5% of buyers I'd say.
Scrap the OIRO nonsense, it's infuriating. Stuck it on for a price, wait a few weeks, if it doesn't sell a you're keen to move then drop the price.

HappyDinosaur · 18/10/2020 08:44

@Darkestseasonofall I'm not sure that's true, we don't love in it now but loved our townhouse when our dd was a baby. It meant we had lots of space and once she was in her own room in a cot we had the floor above and didn't have to worry about disturbing her when getting ready for work etc. I think townhouses are a really good option for families with young children. I do agree that OIRO is a annoying though.

Dogsandbabies · 18/10/2020 08:51

It's the price. It's always the price OP.

We are looking. Have completed the sale of our house and are in rental. So we really want to move. When a house is overpriced, in the current climate especially, I don't bother going to see it.

There is a house currently that I love the look of and the area. Way overpriced in my opinion so I am waiting. If they drop the price I will go see it. But I am not wasting my time going to view it when I know that any offer I make will be rejected because the owners think it is worth more than I think it is. It's been on for a few weeks with not many viewings. Hoping they will get the hint and reduce. Otherwise I am sure I will find something else.

I bet there are a lot of potential buyers out there thinking the same about your place.

NewHouseNewMe · 18/10/2020 08:56

When selling your house, you really only have one lever - price. Hence you must use it carefully before people think there's something weird about the house.

I would wait two weeks and then properly review the price - don't just fiddle with a few grand off. If it's 750K, think guide price 700K. Otherwise you'll cut by 10K and get no viewers. Do that a few times and people think the house has an issue.

For what it's worth, I never view houses that are OIEO. Guide price is fine..

monkeyonthetable · 18/10/2020 09:01

OP, just put your price and number of rooms/garden/OSP etc into Rightmove and see what's on offer in your area, If there are two or more houses that are nicer than yours for that price, or just one house like yours on at a lower price, then your house won't get viewings.

Bear in mind that it's half term soon and families might prefer to look with DC.

TheFormattingIsWrong · 18/10/2020 09:02

I disagree that it's always the price. I'm trying to sell a London flat at the moment and no flats are selling regardless of price.

Sometimes it's the market.

OnlyFoolsnMothers · 18/10/2020 09:05

London flats are screwed atm - I know friends really struggling but sadly the reason they want to sell it is why no one wants to buy it.

As for townhouses, I v like them, assuming a garden and not a patio square

Tinyhumansurvivalist · 18/10/2020 09:12

Without a link it is impossible for anyone to really help as it may hot be the price, it could be decor, kitchen/bathroom being dated and added expense to alter etc.

Personally townhouses are not for me. You say it is lovely and big but I highly doubt most people would see it the same. I am afriad in my experience they are small, poorly laid out, expensive for basic maintenance ie window cleaning and difficult to resell.

I think you either need to speak to your estate agent or post the think if you want advice

Requinblanc · 18/10/2020 09:21


TheFormattingIsWrong · 18/10/2020 09:26

London flats are screwed atm

Yep! Partly because there are very few FTB around and banks have stopped lending on 10% mortgages.

SingingInTheShithouse · 18/10/2020 09:44

Whenever there's a "my house isn't selling" thread on here I assume it'll be a townhouse, and it usually is

I think that very much depends on where you are & what's close to you. We live in a similar sounding house. Also probably a bit "niche" as it's the only non listed one in our street, yet still with some quirky features, it's also deceptively big & considerably bigger than other houses in the street. We don't have the acre of land the OP has but a small yard. Even in the current shit storm we get estate agents hassling us to sell & notes from interested buyers through our door. Had another one of those only last week & it's really not a pretty house from the outsideConfused I think it's just property here is sort after & nobody expects gardens in town.

OP, impossible to really comment without a link etc, but this is very soon to be worrying. When I sold my london flat I had no interest he first week & a half at all, but 3 viewings & 3 offers the following week & it was snapped up at the highest price for the area at the time. Unless you know there's a reason, hold fire

Beautiful3 · 18/10/2020 10:00

OIRO would put me off. I need to know the selling price is one I can afford, BEFORE I arrange a viewing. A 4 floor town house would be a nightmare for most families. It not something I'd want to view, as a family. Most families would want less stairs and more outdoor space. The lockdown made me realise that my garden to far too small.

MrsJamin · 18/10/2020 10:03

The market is very odd indeed. The people who may love to buy your house simply cannot sell and so are not proceedable to buy yours. That's no reflection on your house but the strangeness of this time. It depends if you're desperate to move or could wait until the spring when hopefully life will be a bit easier to predict.


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Clymene · 18/10/2020 10:05

I hate OIRO and won't go and look at anything that has that in the listing

2020hello · 18/10/2020 10:06

If you went higher because you don't want to move it will take at least a few weeks for interest im guessing.

We wanted to sell really quickly and had it valued at 325 but put it on at 300 so we hit the lower price bracket when people were selling and sold in 2 weeks. It was about moving quickly for us not the extra money so that helps. We didn't want to wait for the extra higher value.

Check which bands you fall in and if you can go a little lower to get a lower band you should get more interest.

SingingInTheShithouse · 18/10/2020 10:06

Most families would want less stairs and more outdoor space. The lockdown made me realise that my garden to far too small.

I disagree, families with little ones maybe, though it didn't put us off, families with older kids & teens definitely not, we know several who moved out of flats into town houses to get extra floors to get space for their now older kids

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