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Smell next door from decomposing animal

57 replies

Fizzymoon67 · 10/08/2020 17:49

hi all,

At my wits end. The property next door to me has been empty for about 4 year and someone has dumped a bag containing a dead cat/dog in their yard. Its filled with maggots and surrounded with flies and we can't open any of our windows due to the horrific smell. Its so warm at the minute too its unbearable.
Being told by council/environmental health and police that there's nothing they can do. Councils environmental health have said because its not on council property it would be up to the landlord/owner and it would take a while to find out who is responsible. Meanwhile we just have to put up with it.

Any advice welcome as I've been down every avenue I can think of!

OP posts:
70isaLimitNotaTarget · 21/08/2020 20:39

Might not have been a dog , might have been an illegal badger bait victim Sad
But I'm guessing you didn't want to look too closely in the bag Envy

user1471538283 · 21/08/2020 12:41

I know it's grim but do go and get it. You will probably have rats running around as well and the Council may get rid of them for you

Fizzymoon67 · 21/08/2020 12:24


When you say "Council land" op, do you mean the Town Hall steps?

Haha nope well away from houses and such though so no one else gets that god awful smell. Council said they were looking into who owned the house for me and its been 2 weeks now without a word. Can't imagine how we would have coped with the smell for that long. Just hope the council will look into whose dog it was :( pains me to think if it had an owner that they'll never know what happened Sad
OP posts:
Oldbagface · 21/08/2020 12:08

Just caught up. Well done to your friend op. Stronger stomach than me

Wingedharpy · 21/08/2020 12:06

When you say "Council land" op, do you mean the Town Hall steps?

Oldbagface · 21/08/2020 12:04

Phone private sector housing dept at the council and explain to them. Ask them if they will trace the owner. Failing that you could do some online digging to find out who owns it. Try

Fizzymoon67 · 21/08/2020 11:57

Moved it to council land. Kinda is their problem now!

OP posts:
Chaotica · 21/08/2020 11:24

In fairness to environmental health, most offices have been totally cut back over the past 10 years due to local council cuts and most of the few people remaining are working with Public Health on Covid. So a little busy right now.

Emma1962 · 21/08/2020 11:15

Ugh. What did you do with it? Not sure you could put it in the green bin

AvoidingRealHumans · 21/08/2020 11:09

What a lovely friend, you definitely owe them one now. I'm glad it was sorted.

motheroreily · 21/08/2020 10:06

They are such a lovely friend. I'd definitely would have vommed repeatedly!
I am glad it's sorted though. It must have been horrible.

Fizzymoon67 · 21/08/2020 10:02

Yep a close friend moved it for us and nearly vommed doing so like. Fat load of help environmental health were Angry
Shouldn't need to do things like this

OP posts:
AvoidingRealHumans · 21/08/2020 08:19

Did you get this sorted op?

alexdgr8 · 11/08/2020 02:47

you cannot put something like that in the domestic waste bin, it is against the rules. you could be fined.
ring a pest controller and pay them, also to traps in your garden.
do not set fire to it, or you could be up on a charge of arson.
you could try cover with sand/soil.
contact local councillor.
and get back to env health.

mumsy27 · 11/08/2020 02:31

get a shovel, use the soil around it to bury it, the higher the merrier.

Chocolate4me · 10/08/2020 21:22

Why would someone do this??? Surely if they wanted to dump a dead animal they'd take it to a wood or something?
I would need to have it removed ASAP!! I'd be ringing local pest controllers or posting on Facebook looking for someone with a stomach of steel.. I'd pay out of my own money to just have that job done, making my stomach turn just thinking about it

LazyFace · 10/08/2020 21:09

I'd try and pour a huge amount of soil/compost over it.

feliciabirthgiver · 10/08/2020 20:46

Dig a hole and bury it? Or put some soil on top and hope it decomposes quickly?

TerribleCustomerCervix · 10/08/2020 20:29

If you know it’s definitely an animal, it’s a daft idea to call the police for something you could sort yourself, you just don’t want to.

  1. It’s wasting their time
  2. As soon as they open the bag and ascertain that it’s not a person, they’ll be on their way. They aren’t going to dispose of it for OP.
Defiantly41 · 10/08/2020 20:26

Is it just me that has visions of MNetters turning up to help dressed like something from Line of Duty ... ?

Oldestchild90s · 10/08/2020 20:26

Wait, why do we think it's a cat or a dog?

Sunrise234 · 10/08/2020 20:24

I would have said to the council that you weren’t sure if it was an animal but you can smell rotting flesh!

I think I would have to take it to the dump myself. It will be gross for a while but then at least it will be gone.


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Skyliner001 · 10/08/2020 20:24

Poor creature. How awful for you 😭

Dollycarton81 · 10/08/2020 20:23

Probably a daft suggestion but would the RSPCA do anything? Obviously a bit late for their involvement but if this is a pet with a microchip it might be possible to track who dumped it. Incredibly callous of them to leave the poor thing like that, not to mention terrible for the neighbours.

wowfudge · 10/08/2020 20:20

I'd move it myself - rubber gloves and doubled up bin bags, wash the area down with disinfectant afterwards - rather than suffer the stench, and I'd write to the owner. Hopefully they'll give you a number for them or the managing agent should there be any issues in future.

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