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attaching ikea furniture to walls (DIY)

5 replies

user1465146157 · 07/02/2018 15:29

Right so I know how important it is to attach drawers to walls for safety.

Wondering if I can do this myself by hand?
do i need a drill?

our walls are plasterboard so Im worried about creating cracks - shall i call someone to do it ?

i only have normal screwdrivers.

called a few people and have been let down so thinking i should just do it myself but wanted some advice - have you done this before?

i don't have a drill...

any advice appreciated


OP posts:
FrancisCrawford · 07/02/2018 16:32

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user1465146157 · 07/02/2018 16:08

thanks everyone! is there a drill you recommend?

OP posts:
AGrinWithoutACat · 07/02/2018 15:43

Don't need a drill but would make it easier

Steps are make a screw sized hole (I will screw in a screw if no drill) insert a plaster board rawlplug then screw bracket to the wall

whiskyowl · 07/02/2018 15:43

Yes, you need a drill. It's easy enough, especially through plasterboard because the drill goes through it like butter. Why not get one and have a practice on some bits of wood or something beforehand? Remember you need the right size drill bit for the screw that you are using.

You also need rawl plugs, and these need to be ones that are designed for plasterboard, not mortar walls. You can get them from just about any DIY store. It's worth buying the slightly more expensive grey ones rather than the cheap multi-coloured packs as these are really forgiving. Once you've drilled the hole, put in a rawl plug, then screw the screws into it.

Once you get the hang, you won't look back and you'll be able to do all future drilling yourself too!

BroccoliOnTheFloor · 07/02/2018 15:31

We used a drill. The point was to secure it so well that a climbing toddler can't pull it out.

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