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Is 'shabby chic' still a cool look for entire house?

39 replies

Randomposter · 04/05/2016 10:00

I just love it but wonder if I'm 20 years behind the times?

OP posts:
TremoloGreen · 04/05/2016 19:04

Was it ever 'cool'?? As you can guess, I don't like it at all but if you do then go for it. I do find painting very therapeutic so can see the appeal of painting all your furniture.

LikeASoulWithoutAMind · 04/05/2016 15:03

Well if you like it, you should go for it OP.

If this kind of thing bothers you, though, then I do think that particular trend has peaked, yes.

SoupDragon · 04/05/2016 13:41

tatty pallid messy clutter with extra words is horrible for many of us

One person's minimalist calm is another person's bland, sterile laboratory. :)

Sonnet · 04/05/2016 13:39

and the need to say that was what SpecialSubject?

sunnyoutside · 04/05/2016 13:38

OP some people are arses and snobby about home decor - don't let their opinion mean anything. One persons bonfire fodder is another persons joy and much loved possessions.

hesterton · 04/05/2016 13:34

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specialsubject · 04/05/2016 13:20

tatty pallid messy clutter with extra words is horrible for many of us - but it is YOUR house and you do just what you like.

just take it with you when you sell because anything you leave will go on the bonfire!

sunnyoutside · 04/05/2016 13:18

Thankyou sonnet I love it - probably too much as I never want to spend time out of the home now!

sunnyoutside · 04/05/2016 13:17

Looks great! Love the chalk board Smile

Sonnet · 04/05/2016 13:17

I think your house sounds fab SunnyOutside

Agree with all those who say your house your taste!

Garden looks good KingJoff

KingJoffreyLikesJaffaCakes · 04/05/2016 13:15

That's the bench.

The door is purple but the same style - paint, sanded, waxed. Was my kitchen door but got on my nerves.

Vintage signs are at the other end and I only hung up the bunting this morning.

Is 'shabby chic' still a cool look for entire house?
sunnyoutside · 04/05/2016 13:11

I have done mine all myself I have no money so it is all donated furniture, stuff from charity shops - even the tip. and I am shit at painting

I moved into my house without beds, without chairs, without even any plates or cutlery - 4dc and me. I'll be fucked if I will tolerate anyone coming into my home and telling me I am behind the times, or I should "paint things properly" This is my home and it gives me joy every time I open the front door. I will do it my way. So should you OP.

SoupDragon · 04/05/2016 13:06

Personally I think it's better done yourself rather than bought shabby from a store but, at the end of the day, you are the one living there.

SoupDragon · 04/05/2016 13:05

Its your house, decorate it how you like? dont pander to 'fashion', thats what other people like...

This is what I cam on to say.

I decorate my house to suit me not "coolness" or fashion.

sunnyoutside · 04/05/2016 13:03

King Any photos? That is how I would love my garden to be!

LitteRedSparkle · 04/05/2016 13:03

Its your house, decorate it how you like? dont pander to 'fashion', thats what other people like...

MaybeDoctor · 04/05/2016 13:03

I like the pastel colours, gingham, florals and a few heart things aspects of shabby chic - but I don't have that look in my home.

I like painted furniture but really dislike 'distressed' paint effects. Just paint them nicely please!

MadisonMontgomery · 04/05/2016 13:00

It's your house - it should be somewhere you love, who cares what anyone else thinks? Unless you are planning to renovate & sell, just do whatever makes you happy.

KingJoffreyLikesJaffaCakes · 04/05/2016 12:58

My garden is shabby chic style.

Picnic bench, random old door, picture frames, bunting, vintage signs and loads of mis-matched pots.

I just patio/gravel with loads of trees and ivy at the end.

I like it.

sunnyoutside · 04/05/2016 12:53

Do it Random Decorate your house how you like it, with love, and with things that give you pleasure and enjoyment.

Randomposter · 04/05/2016 12:51

Thanks everyone.
I just love the look because it's, clean, homely, & quite romantic ( like me Grin ) & yes, if I like it & the house is decorated with love, then that's all that matters.

Thanks again.

OP posts:
kernowgal · 04/05/2016 12:49

I'd agree with everyone saying do what you like - so much nicer if a house reflects its owner. That's my excuse anyway - I have stuff from my travels here there and everywhere and it's all stuff I love to look at. Happy memories.


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Nepotism · 04/05/2016 12:13

I think it's evolved from the cream paint and wicker hearts to white mixed with dark wood furniture. But do what you love!

MiaowTheCat · 04/05/2016 12:09

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magicstar1 · 04/05/2016 12:05

I don't worry about what's in living room is more like an old western saloon at the moment, but I don't care what anyone else thinks. Go with what you like

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