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Is there such a thing as an attractive Pelmet? Or another solution for our bay window?

3 replies

MyFirstName · 01/03/2015 13:40

We have a big bay window (curved, 5 panes) in our bedroom. The Bay ceiling is lower than the rest of the room and there is no/very little clearance about the window - so our curtain pole is wrought iron and attached to the ceiling.

It lets is light at the top and wakes DH up every morning. We have discussed various options (including him sleeping in a cardboard box) such as

  1. Black out blinds in the window recess. Would need 5 of them. Would need to move the curtain pole (which would mean reordering as is made to measure 3 inches from the window) so there is space for roller binds to clear the window latches etc.
  2. DH sleeps in a cardboard box. He is not bothered by the light.
  3. Plantation shutters - not overly keen on the idea - would also still need to move the pole as would not be space (I don't think) for shutter and pole at it's current location.
  4. DH wears a weird unremovable gimp mask like thing (normal sleep/eye masks fall off/he has pulled off by dawn)
  5. Replace pole totally and get....gasp...a track and pelmet.

    Pelmets remind me of my mother's house. She has them on all of her windows.

    I am not keen. I look at images of any pelmet and just think Mum.

    Are they actually OK? Can they be stylish - can you show me? Or what should we do.

    am not sure I could really stand the gimp mask either
OP posts:
specialsubject · 01/03/2015 15:07

are pelmets (the obvious solution to your problem) now a Bad Thing?

so that's why they all vanished from my rented house. Leaving curtains that let in light and let out heat. And there I was wondering why on earth people would remove them. (No, checkout clerk didn't notice and we weren't there, so that was that)

pelmets don't have to be huge and frilly.

now in a different house with silly curtain poles. One day sense will be restored.

sassytheFIRST · 01/03/2015 15:02

I have a bay in my living room similar to what you describe. I went for a padded pelmet (wooden backing, then lightly padded then covered) with no twiddly bits in the same fabric as the curtains. It looks good IMO.

PolterGoose · 01/03/2015 14:58

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