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things in houses that would give you the creeps

38 replies

dizzyhoneybee · 07/04/2013 18:26

Following on from haunted houses threads, picture 10 of this house would give me the creeps, I couldn't sit on the sofa with that behind me!

What feature would give you the creeps in a house?

OP posts:
littletingoddess · 08/04/2013 00:23

What is that in Moonlight's link? That is vairy creepy.

GreenEggsAndNichts · 08/04/2013 00:26

It looks like.. a mummified annubis.

I have no idea. But it's the creepiest thing I've seen in a long while.

VerySmallSqueak · 08/04/2013 00:31

Woods around a house aren't creepy if it's what you're used to.
I'd find it creepy to live with a ground level window onto a quiet back alley in a city.
Sends a shudder up my spine thinking about it.

willyoulistentome · 08/04/2013 00:35

I live in a house in the woods with no curtains. We don't need curtains as there's nobody about to see in anyway. It doesn't scare me at all, but I can see why it might freak others out a bit. I also find the idea of living in a city quite scary. All that crime!!

VerySmallSqueak · 08/04/2013 00:41

I live in the woods too will,and I find it much more scary to think of a window without curtains in the city.

I quite like the Buddha in the OP's link.I'd find it quite calming.

crazydrunkevilhamster · 08/04/2013 00:43

Stairs with gaps in , I just can't walk up or down them without a panic attack even though the house I grew up in had stairs like it & there was nothing sinister about them Hmm
Cellars/Lofts & Atticks (sp)
My Dm house has a humongous cellar with the original open fire place where you can see up the chimney not that I have looked

SingingSands · 08/04/2013 00:55

Stairs with gaps in, I fell through a set once when I was 4 and trapped my leg, my parents were being shown around a house by the owner and didn't notice. I was stuck and too frightened to cry out, so I untwisted myself and hobbled after them. Sad face.

dizzyhoneybee · 08/04/2013 06:07

It's not so much the Buddha but the fact that it appears to be right behind the sofa, I wouldn't want anything I could think was a ghost/monster/whatever behind me. I'd prefer the Buddha to the thing that Moonlight saw, that is just nightmare inducing.

OP posts:
NotMostPeople · 08/04/2013 08:48

My Sister viewed a house last year that she loved but just the other side of the garden fence was an undertakers. She agonised for ages over it, but in the end she just couldn't do it.

MoonlightandRoses · 08/04/2013 09:45

The duck in one of the other photos isn't too great either. If you have a look on Google Earth, you can see the 'thing' in the window - it's even worse from that angle.

Mind you, an MNer lives near there and said it's now been removed probably lurking in the cellar waiting for the new owner's first night in the house...

willyoulistentome · 08/04/2013 13:00

My brother and his family live in a house right next to a lovely old church. One of their house walls is part of the boundary with the churchyard. If you look out of his window there are gravestones inches from his living room. If they were the other way around the bodies would be under his floor. Not sure I would like that very much. (The rest of the house is amazing though)

500internalerror · 08/04/2013 20:34

Moonlight - I see what you mean about google earth; I imagine that thing is a bit of a local landmark!

expatinscotland · 08/04/2013 21:05

It's the living you need to worry about.

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