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Looking at new school for DD to start Yr 2 in Sep - is it reasonable to ask.....

5 replies

whizzylala · 26/01/2010 16:17

I am going tomorrow to look at a primary school for my DD and DS to start in Sep, he will go into Yr R (place allocated) and she Yr 2 (place available) I would be moving them from prep school. Is it reasonable to ask to see some work from the year ones so that I can see what sort of standard it is? I have heard various things on the grape vine from the primary school doesn't push the bright ones to them being way ahead of the children at our current school. My DD is at top of her group and we declined the primary school at Yr R as head suggested due to the fact she could read and had achieved Yr R targets in preschool class she should miss a year and go straight to year One. I am not overly impressed with her school this year ( great for DS though) so am going back for another look.
Sorry it is long, also what else should I be asking - has all happened rather quickly, i only rang the m today to enquire if they had space in Yr 2!

OP posts:
Madsometimes · 27/01/2010 10:09

It is reasonable to ask how children in the upper ability groups are challenged, and to ask for examples of extension work set.

I doubt they will show you another child's work book, but they should answer your questions.

SE13Mummy · 27/01/2010 10:00

Whilst it may be reasonable to ask if you could be shown some work by children of your daughter's age I don't think it's reasonable to ask to judge the standard of the work produced by someone else's 5-year-olds.

Perhaps you could take in some of your DD's independent written work (maths and literacy) and show it to the Head and ask if they think your DD will fit in.

smee · 26/01/2010 20:27

There will be loads on the walls to see, which should tell you lots. If you're going in during school time the most important thing is surely to see how the school feels when it's working. So how an individual class is/ how the children are with the teacher, etc. If it all seems calm, happy, organised and relaxed, then I'd say that's the most important thing. As sprat says abilities will probably vary hugely, so you could easily ask how they deal with that, ie do they divide into ability groups, etc. You could also ask how they make sure each child is monitored. eg: at our state primary each child is assessed termly to make sure they move on and parents are informed, so you know if they're not progressing.

sprat1 · 26/01/2010 17:56

You could ask them what the targets are for the end of year 1 so you know if they need to do any catch up work before they start but I guess like any state school the difference in ability from the top to the bottom of the class will be vast. Free readers to sounding out letters. Some still having difficulty forming letters to those who write paragraphs. Counting to 10 up to adding /taking away knowing number bonds to 100 etc. At my sons school they said the target for times tables was to know them all by the end of year 4, but certainly the more able knew them all by the end of year2

GothDetective · 26/01/2010 16:23

I don't think they would show you anything. I guess in the classroom there would be stuff o nthe walls you could have a quick look at. You could always ask but they may say no.

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