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Best cheap labels to buy?

9 replies

ilovegarlic · 22/09/2009 16:43

I need a combo of iron on and stick on...My Labels are doing a combo pack for £9.99

Anyone know of any cheaper - thank goodnes I only have one child!

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Wheresmum · 19/10/2011 16:28

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Wheresmum · 06/10/2009 11:07

I have bought from Labels4Kids for 5 years now and they are FAB! The only clear labels they sell go over shoe labels. Are these the ones you put in the dishwasher? Their iron ons are fantastic. Love the easy to use labels, but I agree the economy tapes are never a long lasting fix, no more than any in any uniform shop or department store. They do point that out though on their website.
Have you tried their new cool fasteners to use with any of your clothes labels and they just click together? Great idea. My kids have them on all their socks and coats.
Also their vinyl labels have outlasted our drink bottles and shoes and their stikins are fab on clothes. I have tried the lot with 4 kids to dress. Been to every company and highly recommend labels4kids to all my friends

Ixia · 23/09/2009 20:48

I used stick on labels for lunchboxes and stuff, from this Ebay seller (carelabels). They are very good, they've lasted about 3mths so far after having gone through the dishwasher and they are also v. cheap. #ht3820wt1165

I'd rather sew than iron, so used Cash's sew-ons. But I have bought 2nd hand stuff from Ebay, that have labels from, they sort of melt into the fabric and there is no removing them.

underpaidandoverworked · 23/09/2009 19:57

The iron-ons I got from Labels4kids have come off in the first wash, the clear stick on labels stay on 4 a few days [and certainly don't withstand washing in the dishwasher - and the letters printed on the lunchbox are coming off after 1wk use . Don't buy cheap - they're crap.

Have ended up sewing the iron-on labels into his clothes.

madusa · 23/09/2009 19:11

simply stuck have proved really good

I really like their transfer labels that go onto white t shirts. They can't come off and they stayed on for the whole school year last year without fading!

SecretSlattern · 22/09/2009 17:31

for a tenner, that should say at the end

SecretSlattern · 22/09/2009 17:31 - the best I have used and I now only use them. They are easy to order and come really quick. You get 75 iron on and 75 stick on.

sickofsocalledexperts · 22/09/2009 17:19

Why not just write with a WH smith's laundry pen on the white bit of the label?

beautifulgirls · 22/09/2009 17:17

Don't get Cash's iron on ones, they are useless. Waiting for reply to my complaint first then will source some more elsewhere, but not sure who yet - I did start a thread on this a few days ago though and some ideas in there for good ones from some mums - scroll down in the primary topic list and you should find it.
Have just bought Dishwasher and shoe labels from Ablelabels and love these as they do what they are meant to

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