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Reception class coloured reading levels

26 replies

southernbelle77 · 11/06/2009 14:49

I've had a quick look through some posts about the level children in reception should be on at the end of the year and I'm still confused!

Do all schools now have to use the same coloured sticker bands for all different reading scheme books? At dd's school they use many different reading schemes including ORT and storyworld. Each book has a coloured sticker on the front.

I don't quite understand the levels as, for example, dd has bought home an ORT book which says levels 4, set B which had a yellow sticker on the front. She has also brought home an ORT book which is level 4, set B, but has a blue sticker on the front. How on earth does this make sense? The same applies to storyworld. The levels on the back of the book doesn't seem to correspond with the coloured stickers on the front!

So, is there a coloured sticker level that dd should be reading by the end of reception, year 1 etc? If so, what it is and does it really matter if they behind or ahead of this?

Hoping this makes sense!

OP posts:
mrz · 13/06/2009 18:52

There does seem a lot of mis information out there...

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