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free fruit in schools. but no nuts allowed

183 replies

stitch · 23/10/2008 11:19

another rant i'm afraid.

dc school has decided that they dont think the chidlren get enough veg and fruit, so will be providing evry child with a free piece of fruit. the school is a state school, in an affluent area, so full of poncy wannabe, organice lentil weaving moms, who frown on jam sandwiches and fruit as being not healthy enough for their lo's. needless to say that ballet lessons and gym memberships are almost derigeur.

but the same school declares itself a nut free zone. yet nuts are an extremely healthy snack. they are full of essential oils. minerals, etc. tiny packets of energy, they will be far better at keeping the kids going, than half an apple, or whatever.almonds are chock full of calcium, essential not only for good bone developement, but boossts immune systems wonderfully. etc etc etc.
the kids come out of class at least twice a week clutching crappy sweets full of artificial flavourings andcolourings becuaes it is someones birthday. a practice theschool positively encourages. and of course, the siblings also get given the artifical crap by the birthday childs mother.
surely a bar of chocolate would be healthier than the crappy chewy maom they come out with?

OP posts:
imaginaryfriend · 23/10/2008 21:58

OK, let's ban dairy too. I really wouldn't mind that much.

BreevandercampLGJ · 23/10/2008 21:59


Sorry I cut to the heart of the matter,'tis a bad habit of mine. However, I think you need to have a huge re think. This all comes down to your controlling DH, stand up to him...and ensure that your children are no longer pawns in his mind games.

You are not, the fight the system girl I met all those years appear to be allowing yourself and your opinions re your DC to be subsumed into whatever he wants ???

bunny3 · 23/10/2008 22:01

Stitch, I have re read the thred. I still think you are incredibly unreasonable and uncaring. Go and find something else to worry about.

FWIW, 5 children at ds' primary school have epipens for life-threatening nut allergies. Haribo crap wont kill them but nuts might.

bundle · 23/10/2008 22:01

how can that make it right to deprive chidlren from such a healthy snack?

er, stitch, how can something like potential death limit someone's enjoyment of a healthy snack? you seriously need a reality check

dd1 has fruit for school every day - satsumas, plums, kiwi, pomegranate, blueberries, there's HEAPS of choice

stitch · 23/10/2008 22:01

lgj, i need to think about what you have just said.

OP posts:
stitch · 23/10/2008 22:03

i see, so when someone drinks lots of alcohol, then drives and kills someone else, its ok to still make alcohol legal, because it is their right to drink it?
or is it still legal becaues the government wants the revenues from it?

if alcohol was a new drug that had suddenly come on the scene, it wouldbe classed as a class A drug. perhaps you think nuts should also have a drug classification?

OP posts:
stitch · 23/10/2008 22:06

right, i am going to leave this thread now. as it is making me seriously stressed out. and its not worth it. the thread came to a natrual end this afternoon, and the rest of it is just so much aggro.

OP posts:
VeniVidiVickiQV · 23/10/2008 22:08

Oh get a grip stitch. And pray to god your child is never unfortunate to suffer a life threatening allergy. The attitudes of selfish parents like you make me sick to the stomach. I'm fed up of it. Your kids can have their healthy snacks at home. IT's no real hardship to leave nuts at home. Get over yourself.

imaginaryfriend · 23/10/2008 22:10

You've lost me with the alcohol thing stitch.

These are children. At school. With a life-threatening allergy.

Dottoressa · 23/10/2008 22:16

As the mother of a nut-allergic child, I'm very glad that his school won't have nuts on the premises!

VeniVidiVickiQV · 23/10/2008 22:17

Yes, but poor johnny cant have nuts at school. He has to wait till he gets home. Because of those pathetic selfish bastard children who are allergic. THe fuckers. They spoil it for everyone

oops · 23/10/2008 22:20

Message withdrawn

imaginaryfriend · 23/10/2008 22:29

This is one of those threads where you begin to doubt your sanity.

VeniVidiVickiQV · 23/10/2008 22:31

I'm not doubting my sanity at all. But will leave as I'm too angry about this.

oops · 23/10/2008 22:31

Message withdrawn

DraculaNeedsArteries · 23/10/2008 22:31

Going back to your OP....

"dc school has decided that they dont think the chidlren get enough veg and fruit, so will be providing evry child with a free piece of fruit".

There is nothing wrong with fruit. It is not unhealthy. This can be seen as nothing but a positive move by teh school.

"but the same school declares itself a nut free zone. yet nuts are an extremely healthy snack. they are full of essential oils. minerals, etc. tiny packets of energy, they will be far better at keeping the kids going, than half an apple, or whatever."

As you are obviously aware the school has declared itself a nut free zone to protect (abeit the minority) against something that could potentially kill them. I personally don't see them as "better" than fruit...they are just another food group that make up part of a healthy balanced diet. In order to acheive a balanced diet you let you DC have fruit at school and give them the nuts after/before school. Where is the problem with that? Or is your DCs diet 100% nuts? You can't compare the nut policy with the fruit policy...they are driven by totally different motives.

"the kids come out of class at least twice a week clutching crappy sweets full of artificial flavourings andcolourings becuaes it is someones birthday."

Totally 100% a different issue. Unrelated to fruit or nuts. Raise this with the governors and you may get a positive response from them (over time).

I just don't get this thread. Your child does not need to have nuts during the school day. There is pplenty of scope for you to give them nuts outside of school to enable them to have balanced diet. I really don't see what the nut or fruit problem is.

WRT to eh alcohol - there are rules (aka laws in this instance) in place to prevent the combination of drink and driving which is aimed at protecting innocent people. Your school is trying to introduce rules that are also aimed at protecting innocent children from teh effects of accidental nut protein exposure which may kill them.

imaginaryfriend · 23/10/2008 22:35

Dracula you made me laugh when you asked if stitch's childrens' diets are 100% nuts.

I don't get the thread either.

Nuts have been compared to wasps, dairy and now alcohol. It's actually quite mad.

DraculaNeedsArteries · 23/10/2008 22:37

Well...she makes it sound as though her DCs really absolutely must have nuts at school and that there is no way that they can have them at home.

snarky · 23/10/2008 22:37

lol at "fat bully"

Peachy buy a flask and put some unflavoured soya in it, then he won't have to go without a drink [rocket science emoticon]

imaginaryfriend · 23/10/2008 22:39

Not just that they need nuts but that they're deprived by the nasty selfish nut allergic children, their unreasonable parents and the badly-run amoral schools.

DraculaNeedsArteries · 23/10/2008 22:44

Exactly....if they are deprive it is because Stitch won't allow them to have them in the 18hrs or so per day that they are not at school

imaginaryfriend · 23/10/2008 22:46

It's just such a shame she can't put herself in someone else's shoes.

I'm outta here now though. I felt very angry at this thread this afternoon but now I feel depressed by it.


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Overmydeadbody · 23/10/2008 22:49

I had a friend in uni who had a nut allergy.

We where on a bus and a guy three seats ahead of us opened a packet of peanuts.

My friend went into anaphylactic shock, I had to call an ambulance, it was very scary

I am happy for DS's school to continue to be nut free.

Stitch cheese is also a highly nutritious food, very similar to nuts, and doesn't afaik cause anaphyliactic shock in those allergic to it. There really is no need for nuts in school.

cat64 · 23/10/2008 23:39

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn

imaginaryfriend · 24/10/2008 09:37

It's interesting you said that cat because I didn't want to speak without background knowledge but I've never met a child with a potentially fatal dairy allergy. The other allergic girl in dd's class is allergic to nuts, milk and eggs but the latter two give her swelling and asthma but not anaphylaxis. However I don't know for sure that someone couldn't die from a dairy allergy so I didn't want to say.

The thing is, whether it's a Western foible or not, most people have dairy most days, especially children who are not vegan or allergic to it. It would be hard to make dairy-free school meals. However nuts can be avoided. Dp and I never have them in the house and we never miss them.

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