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Muswell hill schools - one week to make a choice! Not sure which one!

7 replies

Schoolchoicehelparg · 06/01/2021 15:46

I only got to see Coldfall before school tours couldn’t happen anymore and - realistically - we’re probably not in catchment for it even though I really liked it.

I think we’re only really in the catchment of St James, Tetherdown, OLM, and Eden.

I am not religious at all, but think the choice is mostly between St James - I like the one form entry - and Tetherdown - will know kids who will probably go there - but haven’t visited either.

Would love any feedback! Maybe I’m overthinking it all and either is fine. But not sure which to put as first choice!

Things that are important: pastoral care, nice school community, not too pressured. Things that don’t matter: breakfast / after school club etc.

OP posts:
Whatam · 07/01/2021 20:41

It's not about hot housing really, it's about some local schools not doing very well for children I'm supporting them academically and still getting excellent sat results because of all the tutoring.
Our child is in Coldfall. We are quite happy with it. It has excellent outdoor facilities and space. And it's attached to Coldfall Woods so kids do forest school throughout.

Schoolchoicehelparg · 07/01/2021 08:51

Whatam the tutoring puts me off a bit, to be honest. Was a genuine worry about schools in the area that they’d be “hot houses”, which is what someone told me before we moved - I don’t even believe in homework Blush

Can I ask which school yours goes to? (I’m probably not in the catchment of it, after looking at the catchment map thing!) Are you happy with it?

OP posts:
Whatam · 07/01/2021 00:11

In the muswell hill mums and dads group, be prepared to hear "all schools in our area are great. We are so lucky to have the choice between such amazing schools!"
If you look at infrastructure then Tetherdown has much better and larger facilities, than St. James...just because it's a bigger school. I have heard a lot of local people say that kids are heavily tutored in Tetherdown. When I toured the schools, St. James seemed like a nice small school where the headteacher knew everyone. I also haven't anyone say anything negative yet about the school. Our child is in another local school so it's all based on what I have heard and on my tour to the schools.

Schoolchoicehelparg · 06/01/2021 21:47

Oh that’s a good tip! I’m not actually on Facebook, but my DH is (although never really uses it) - I’ll borrow his account!

OP posts:
doadeer · 06/01/2021 20:42

You're best joining the muswell hill mums and dads Facebook group, there are posts like this weekly, so you can search through or post a new one

Schoolchoicehelparg · 06/01/2021 20:22

Another bump for the evening crowd!

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Schoolchoicehelparg · 06/01/2021 17:35


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