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Polo tops for uniform

10 replies

daftasabrush · 20/07/2007 19:40

Hello. Can anyone recommend a white polo top for school uniform that is long in the body. They always seem quite short for tucking in and staying in. My DD is tall for her age and long in the body. Many thanks.

OP posts:
daftasabrush · 20/07/2007 20:57

Thanks all x

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charliecat · 20/07/2007 20:33

Long Sleeved ones I eventually tracked down to woolies.

lexcat · 20/07/2007 20:31

M&S do polos with scoalloped collar and with a slightly puffed sleeve and a scalloped edge on the sleeve. 88720?ie=UTF8&node=43639030&m=A2BO0OYVBKIQJM&keywords=&mnSBrand=core&size=9&rh=&page=
Best of all they still have the 2 for 3 offer on.
DD has two and loves them.

daftasabrush · 20/07/2007 19:58

Thanks all. I will go to Adams and have a look next week. DD gets really cold easily. I don't suppose anyone has seen long sleeved ones?

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daftasabrush · 20/07/2007 19:55

I do buy bigger but she currently has 8/9 at the moment (she is 7) and when I have been out and about (although live in a small town) they never seem to have bigger. Woolies, our main school uniform place in town never have bigger. Have bought Next ones but the sleeves are really short as is the length so just thought I would ask for opinions before I head out on a shopping spree next week to the 'big' shops in the next town. There is nothing better than the recommendations from the wonderful world of mumsnet to save leg work!

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WigWamBam · 20/07/2007 19:51

My dd is tall and long in the body too (she's 6 and wears age 9 or 10 clothes) and I find Adams polo shirts are fine for length - plus they have the scalloped collars.

Having to buy the bigger sizes means they're usually a bit baggy, as dd is pretty slim, but she hasn't found that a problem.

nutcracker · 20/07/2007 19:48

I find the Adams ones quite long.

brimfull · 20/07/2007 19:47

my ds is 5 in sept and the age 6 M&S one is fine on him,can you not just buy a bigger size?

daftasabrush · 20/07/2007 19:45

Thank you NAB3. Shame about the scalloped collar as they look nice. If I don't get any other suggestions I will try those .

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NAB3 · 20/07/2007 19:42

M&S. Though they don't do the ones with the scalloped collar.

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