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How long your children revise each day?

79 replies

Turefu · 12/04/2019 21:44

My son is in Year Two and just had his mock SATs. He met expected standards, but I hoped he’ll exceed maths. How long your children spend on revising each week? My son does his homework, but other then that we only play educational games with him, say how much is this added this.

OP posts:
Mumsymumphy · 13/04/2019 16:03

Shame on that school that is asking parents to make sure their children revise for twenty minutes a day for YEAR 2 SATS. 6 and 7 year olds.

All SATS matter for at that age is so that schools can make pretty percentage progress charts, expected progress charts (because ALL children learn and make progress at consistently the same rate, y'know like mini robots 🤦🏼‍♀️) value added charts to flog the KS2 staff with. And then doctor the figures for Ofsted's benefit. It's madness.
Please don't do any revision with your children. They get more than enough SATS practise in school. I'm a primary teacher btw!

Norestformrz · 13/04/2019 17:32

"All SATS matter for at that age is so that schools can make pretty percentage progress charts, " they really don't matter to the school ...they aren't used except as a single piece of evidence towards the teachers overall assessment but the day to day work is much more important. The test results aren't used to calculate progress.

WhyAmIPayingFees · 13/04/2019 17:41

I'd say no revision but I would make sure they had seen the form of the test beforehand so they are not upset by some unfamiliar set up coming at them for the first time. A half-decent school will do that but you might get an example paper for each bit and make sure the layout, how questions are answered, where to write answers are all clear.

RoseMartha · 13/04/2019 17:54

I played down the sats as much as possible in yr 2 and yr 6. Why make young kids stress about it? Just encourage your child to try their best, whether that means they get 2 out of 10 or 10 out of 10. As long as they tried their best.

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