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One class vs. Two classes per year group?

5 replies

Tranquilitybaby · 13/01/2019 21:19

My eldest two children went to a two form entry school, I just wondered how a small one year entry school compared really. Pros and cons.

Many friends I’ve spoken to seem to prefer a smaller school, but it feels alien to me and I’m struggling to see any real benefits, but I’m happy to be proved wrong. ☺️

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BackforGood · 14/01/2019 23:44

With the same dc for 7 years - no possibility of mixing up the classes, when sometimes it can be a lifesaver

Also smaller pool of people to form friendships with

It makes it a really big jump when they move to secondary.

There are fewer members of staff so potentially the range of extra curricular activities is likely to be smaller - though this might not be the case, this is often much more to do with the ethos of the school than the number of members of staff.

Fewer children 'competing' for that slot in the football team, or the chance to 'be Mary' in the Nativity in a smaller school.

FamilyOfAliens · 14/01/2019 08:30

Fewer resources because there are fewer children, though. It’s a per-child allocation.

It may be true that some children struggle with the larger number of students at secondary school. But they are at primary for seven years. I wouldn’t choose a larger primary school that may not meet their needs on the basis that they might struggle in year 7.

And learning to get on with others, rather than avoiding the issue is a crucial life skill that will serve them well in secondary school.

As I said upthread, pros and cons for both. Choosing the right school for your child is far more important than choosing a school for its size.

RedSkyLastNight · 14/01/2019 07:55

One form entry = fewer resources.

most crucially for me, it means a smaller potential pool of friends. If your DC gets on with the people in their class, then great. If they don't happen to gel with anyone, then they are stuck with them for the next few years. If they fall out with someone they are stuck with them for the next few years. Also I imagine it must be a huge shock to move up from a school where they have known everyone to a large secondary school (there are more DC in one year at DC's secondary than the whole of a 1 form entry primary).

4point2fleet · 13/01/2019 21:30

I have worked in a one form entry junior school, school with 35 children total, a 4.5 form entry primary with well over 1000 pupils and a 2 form entry school. Personally, I think 2 form entry is perfect.

Two teachers per year group is better than one because they can share planning, bounce ideas off each other and sometimes team-teach. More teachers in general means you are more likely to get a good range of specialists to lead curriculum areas (someone hot on PE, someone keen on music etc) and teachers are not having to lead more than one curriculum area so they do a better job.

More children means more money coming in and therefore more resources. Also more opportunities for children to find a 'tribe'.

FamilyOfAliens · 13/01/2019 21:24

I work in a one-form entry school. We have 200 children and I know all their names.

The disadvantages are that if a child needs to move to a different class, they can’t. And from?the teacher’s point of view, you have no-one to share planning with.

My DC went to a two-form entry school. I’m not sure there’s really much to choose between them. I would focus more on whether it’s the right fit for your children.

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