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DD(7) behaviour

30 replies

longestlurkerever · 08/10/2018 12:41

My DD1 is 7 and has always been quite challenging, especially during the first half term of a new school year. At the moment she seems ungovernable- every little request aimed at getting her out of the door has to be repeated over and over. She just blanks me. She has emotional outbursts over things like clothing, which cup I give her etc like when she was a toddler, and she seems to have forgotten all her manners and is becoming rude and demanding. I've asked her teacher to give me a call just to find out how things are from her perspective but now I'm not sure exactly what it want to ask her and just wondered if any teachers had any perspectives to share? Is this a normal reaction to moving up to y3? Or changing year groups in general? I have often wondered if she might have ADHD, for which there is some family history, as she gets hyperactive and out of control and constantly interrupts, but it tends to be linked to tiredness and i don't know if she's just tired. She's bright and keen but doesn't focus very well. She has an August birthday and in her sats she reached the expected level in everything and is working at greater depth in reading. Her maths is almost at that level but inconsistent, apparently, but her writing is lagging a bit, especially spelling and handwriting. I just don't know. I don't want to let her down but at the moment I am just feeling like I've totally failed at parenting her and she's acting like a spoiled brat.

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pumpastrotter · 11/10/2018 16:53

I would maybe go direct to SENCO , only because the school nurse has been overseeing my son for the past year and even though she does contact me for updates quite a often, I do get a lot 'we'll see how he settles/I'll speak to you in a few weeks'

longestlurkerever · 11/10/2018 17:11

Have arranged a meeting for Monday

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Maldives2006 · 11/10/2018 18:23

Your school will have an assigned school nurse but unless you have ever needed her or met her you would never know she existed 😃. You can either check the schools website for the contact

longestlurkerever · 11/10/2018 20:35

Actually you're right. I did speak to her once about a toilet care plan. I don't think she's based full time at the school though.

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longestlurkerever · 11/10/2018 20:43

Thanks, I didn't know that about needing to go down the health route. I guess I'll speak to the SENCO about whether I am barking up wholly the wrong tree and take it from there. I'm still half hoping she just settles right down again after half term and I can stop worrying about it for another year but I'm a bit concerned that this almost self sabotaging behaviour is going to have more serious consequences as she gets older.

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