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Writing sample - how old is this child?

164 replies

MrsIssissippi · 14/01/2018 20:40

I’d be really grateful if you could say how old you think the child who wrote this is?

The task was the children were shown a photo on the whiteboard and told to write a description of what they could see.

I think the child may need some additional support, but I’d be grateful for feedback from other teachers/parents.

Thank you

Writing sample - how old is this child?
OP posts:
HouseworkIsAPain · 14/01/2018 20:52

It would help enormously if the child was given lined paper - would help the child with sizing the letters as well as writing in straight lines.

Finola1step · 14/01/2018 20:53

Very similar structure to my dd's writing - Just turned 7 and in Year 2.

Alexandra87 · 14/01/2018 20:53

I'd guess y3/y4 because it's joined up.

ineedamoreadultieradult · 14/01/2018 20:54

I would say 7 or 8 but definitely needs lined paper.

ObiJuanKenobi · 14/01/2018 20:54


Goldensunnydays81 · 14/01/2018 20:55

I would say about year 3 the handwriting is like my sons in year 2 but the sentences and spelling is better than his!

PricillaQueenOfTheDesert · 14/01/2018 20:55

Judging from the grammar and joined up writing I’d say maybe a sloppy 9/10 year old. My ss who has been to university and is now a teacher has scruffier writing. (Honestly, )

TheNecroscope · 14/01/2018 20:55

I’d say 7/8 based on the fact it’s joined up. The tone of the writing seems older than the neatness but I don’t think it’s that unusual for the appearance to drop back a stage once they move on to joined up writing if they haven’t done it from the start. My DS really struggled with joining writing.

bunbunny · 14/01/2018 20:56

Ds1 had better writing than that in Y1. DS2 is in Y5 and has worse handwriting than that (despite same schools, many of the same teachers etc! And ds2 has had much more extra support that ds1 never needed)

So I would guess somewhere between 5 and 10...

sausagebaconandtomatobutty · 14/01/2018 20:56

Your child?

blackberryfairy · 14/01/2018 20:57

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IceBearRocks · 14/01/2018 20:57

I'd say a boy aged 8 year 4!!!

weebarra · 14/01/2018 20:57

I don't like the implication that poor writing is commensurate with low ability. DS1 is dyspraxic and his writing is worse than this. He is ten.
So I've no idea how old this child would be, although the joined up writing would point to 8+.

mummyhaschangedhername · 14/01/2018 20:58

8,based on the fact my 6 year old isn't doing independent writing at all yet, let alone joining up.

0hCrepe · 14/01/2018 20:58

Many schools teach children to join from fs now. It is like my ds’s Writing in y4. Having lined paper helped a lot so I asked him to always have lines. The spelling and punctuation is good so I’d say maybe 8.

RippleEffects · 14/01/2018 20:58

I don't think the age is relevant if you feel the child could do better but is being held back by more than just practice then chat to the teacher.

My youngest goes to a school in a not terribly affluent or educationally challenging area and based on what I've seen that would be typical around year 4. Cursive script starting for more able yr 2, more common year 3. However some DC would be doing that level at 6 and for some it would be a triumph at 11.

It's not just about what others can do. It's what you feel this DC should be able too and how to help them achieve that.

giveitfive · 14/01/2018 20:59

Got a 16yr old dyspraxic here that could have written that. If your DC is older than the guesses above it might be worth getting some testing for fine motor skills difficulties or learning differences. Good luck x

LtGreggs · 14/01/2018 20:59

Gosh I'd say older - 9 or 10 yo. I'm a parent (of a high achieving 9 yo and a bright but dyslexic 10 yo).

ourkidmolly · 14/01/2018 21:00

Come on Op! Boring now.

MarklahMarklah · 14/01/2018 21:00

From the description of the task I'd say a child of around 8 years, reinforced by the complexity of some of the words. I think the joined-up part of the writing is a bit of a red herring as some schools teach joining up as soon as children can write x number of words/letters neatly.
In terms of additional support - not sure - lined paper would help. It could be that the child felt rushed in the task, which would explain the messiness.
I have writing which, when I take time, is very neat. However, when I'm in a hurry, it's near illegible.

EvansOvalPies · 14/01/2018 21:00

As the parent of a dyslexic child, I'd say that the writing is sloppy (as was/is my DS's) but the description is really great. Year 5 possibly? That's only going on my own limited experience as a parent.

Definitely needs some (correct) support. Also agree that lined paper would be beneficial.

whippswhapswound · 14/01/2018 21:01

From the extended description of a setting and a few clues I’d say not too young, around yr 4. An older child who needs a bit of support with handwriting and structure


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LateKate · 14/01/2018 21:01

I would think age 7-8 but possibly older as the description is good. The joined up writing is too consistent to be much younger. My daughter is in year 2 and is doing well (although she is a Summer born child) and she writes pages and pages of stories but without such a wide use of vocabulary, more guesswork on spellings and not such good joining of letters so I am certain the child is older than year 2. I agree with other posters that lined paper would help no end.

Polarbear46 · 14/01/2018 21:01

Looks like my almost 9 year olds (asd tho)

pinkhorse · 14/01/2018 21:01

I only have an 8 year old to compare to but I'd say about age 6. I couldn't read a lot of it. Obviously I'm not a teacher though.

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