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Beechwood Sacred Heart Tunbridge Wells?

45 replies

BadgerCorner · 16/11/2017 10:52

Does anyone have any experience of Beechwood Sacred Heart School please? Is it a happy school? Does it prepare children for the 11+ or assume they will continue into the senior school? Is not being religious a problem? Thank you

OP posts:
Perhapsperhapsto · 05/09/2023 12:36

‘I have a child there and she is thriving and there was never any safeguarding issues.‘

great. If my child was at the school I would read the last 3 reports - then speak to the leadership team and ask why they are being so closely monitored, why they continue to treat such serious issues as if they don’t need to be changed, why they have a 5 year old inspection report on their website and not the last most recent ones which highlight serious concerns, why they aren’t being transparent.
And finally, given the seriousness of their failings around leadership, management and safeguarding - how much longer will the school be allowed to remain open if immediate and wholesale changes aren’t made.

But that’s just me.

Perhapsperhapsto · 04/09/2023 22:00

‘May I ask if you have children presently at this school or are you just judgmentally writing this?’

The reports are in the public domain, for anyone to read. 3 years in a row. Same issues.

elkiebaby · 04/09/2023 19:54

Me too. My child is thriving there and the school have been fantastic. I honestly couldn’t fault them.

Wonder if the negative commenter has actually addressed any issues with the school directly before anonymously posting online 🤔

lizzy789 · 04/09/2023 19:11

May I ask if you have children presently at this school or are you just judgmentally writing this?
I have a child there and she is thriving and there was never any safeguarding issues.
It’s appalling to badmouth a school in the way you do!

bingandflop · 04/09/2023 15:28

Definitely if their safeguarding is poor

Perhapsperhapsto · 04/09/2023 14:50

That is an excellent question. Why are the rules so different? A state school would probably be in special

bingandflop · 04/09/2023 14:40

How have they not been shut down?

Perhapsperhapsto · 04/09/2023 14:40

Not only is this school failing at ensuring it’s pupils are taught and look after by people who are not predators it’s disguising the fact by having ONLY the old inspection report in it’s website -
and not the more recent 2021 full one which highlights the issues, not the 2022 AND 2023 update inspections where the inspectors found that they STILL were not meeting requirements and had made no changes around the safeguarding.

This in itself should be a MASSIVE RED flag.

Perhapsperhapsto · 04/09/2023 14:29

Quality of leadership in and management of schools is also related as not met ‘inadequate’ is used

Perhapsperhapsto · 04/09/2023 14:27

The reports and updates are on the Independent Schools Inspectorate website - public for anyone to view. The NOV 2021 report also highlights the lack of safeguarding.

Perhapsperhapsto · 04/09/2023 14:23

Beware this school. It’s now just Beechwood School and the years go all the way up to 18.

inspections in 2021,2022 AND 2023 around pupil safety and welfare are VERY worrying.

Read the Independent School Council reports - ( NOT the one they have in their site) they are consistently failing to ensure safe guarding, around health and safety and welfare but MOST worryingly on checking the references of their teachers against barred lists for teaching, and failing to check DBS.

2018 full report is damning, they also have had short inspections 2022 AND 2023 and STILL are NOT checking their teacher backgrounds.

’The school has not undertaken all the required checks to ensure suitability of staff before the start work in the school. Criminal background checks, checks against the list of those prohibited from teaching, and checks of identity, medical fitness, and qualifications HAVE NOT BEEN completed’

This is how predators end up in schools and are allowed to thrive. Don’t check backgrounds, just give staff the benefit of the doubt because they wear the right tie or have the right accent - then allow them free reign in a small, private school where they’re under a lot less scrutiny than in a state school.

Avocad0 · 06/06/2023 01:49

@AussieMeg67 thank you!
As a previous poster mentioned, it’s hard to find anything negative said about the school. It is small and I am slightly concerned about friendships but there is such a benefit to staff knowing all the children, ensures no one can go under the radar.

I’m also wondering if anyone has experience of the boarding there?

Avocad0 · 06/06/2023 01:43

@soxy Great to hear that your daughter is so happy. Down to earth definitely something we are looking for!

AussieMeg67 · 05/06/2023 18:38

Our 3 children went to Beechwood all have done very well and enjoyed their time there

soxy · 05/06/2023 15:24

I can only echo this. We are nearly a year in now and couldn't be happier. She has met lovely friends and the teachers are great, the small classes means the teachers all know the kids well and they get the attention they need. The thing I also like is that it's not a 'snooty' place like I'd imagine some private schools to be, just a down to earth vibe which I really like.

Avocad0 · 05/06/2023 00:09

@lizzy789 Thank you so much for replying. It’s reassuring to have positive views from current parents / students.

@soxy I hope that things have also worked out for your daughter.

lizzy789 · 04/06/2023 20:27

My daughter has been at Beechwood School since the end of year 8 and is now in year 10 going into year 11 in September.
She made lovely friends, her grades improved and she is very happy and settled.
The headteacher is fantastic!
I can only recommend this small and nurturing school.
I hope this helps.

Avocad0 · 04/06/2023 15:45

Hi, just wondering if you could possibly share your experience of secondary as we are strongly considering accepting a place for next year. Thank you!

soxy · 21/04/2022 17:35

Becs19 · 07/04/2022 21:27


I have 2 children in the prep school. There are a few in my daughters class that have siblings in the senior school and their parents talk about it.

The class sizes like you say are really small and it's such a friendly place. My husband is from a working class background and was expecting to feel uncomfortable but everyone is incredibly welcoming.

The school excels pastorally and there is fantastic support for all students. The parents of senior school students that I know are very happy with the school and their children are happy. I think with it being so small everyone is known and no one gets lost in a crowd. It also means that all students get involved with any sports teams and productions. I went to the recent "we will rock you" show put on by the senior school and it was incredible. My daughter was amazed by it and told me after that she wanted to stay at Beechwood so she could be in a show like it!

It doesn't have all the bells and whistles of the bigger private schools in the area but it concentrates on being a safe happy place for students. From the sounds of your post you noticed that on your tour.

The building work is scheduled to be finished at the end of this month so even if it does over run it will definitely be completed by September! The grounds are beautiful and teaching spaces looking really good now they've been re vamped.
There is a real buzz about the school at the moment with the significant investment that's taken place.

The lock down provision was excellent. Seniors had a full timetable of live lessons over Teams.

I'm biased as my children are very happy there and have come on so much both socially and academically since being there. I think it's a very special school.

Thanks Becs for this really appreciated and so great to hear first hand feedback from someone who's children currently attend. Not heard a bad word said about the place which says it all really.

We've decided to push the button and to send her there as it just 'feels' the right thing to do for her. Bit of a juggle financially but it will be worth it. Looking forward to the journey and to see her develop in such a caring school.

Becs19 · 07/04/2022 21:27


I have 2 children in the prep school. There are a few in my daughters class that have siblings in the senior school and their parents talk about it.

The class sizes like you say are really small and it's such a friendly place. My husband is from a working class background and was expecting to feel uncomfortable but everyone is incredibly welcoming.

The school excels pastorally and there is fantastic support for all students. The parents of senior school students that I know are very happy with the school and their children are happy. I think with it being so small everyone is known and no one gets lost in a crowd. It also means that all students get involved with any sports teams and productions. I went to the recent "we will rock you" show put on by the senior school and it was incredible. My daughter was amazed by it and told me after that she wanted to stay at Beechwood so she could be in a show like it!

It doesn't have all the bells and whistles of the bigger private schools in the area but it concentrates on being a safe happy place for students. From the sounds of your post you noticed that on your tour.

The building work is scheduled to be finished at the end of this month so even if it does over run it will definitely be completed by September! The grounds are beautiful and teaching spaces looking really good now they've been re vamped.
There is a real buzz about the school at the moment with the significant investment that's taken place.

The lock down provision was excellent. Seniors had a full timetable of live lessons over Teams.

I'm biased as my children are very happy there and have come on so much both socially and academically since being there. I think it's a very special school.

soxy · 23/03/2022 19:53

Hi, just rebooting this thread as it's hard to find many parent reviews about Beechwood out there.

Our daughter who in Y6 has been offered a place at Beechwood in September as well as a place at a good local comp St Greg's. Neither of us have come from private school backgrounds so we were pretty impressed when we had a tour of Beechwood and the really small class sizes. Seemed a very relaxed and friendly place and not at all snooty.

Building work going on at the moment but the plans look nice on their website.

So we just wanted to ask some first hand feedback from current or past parents on how their child got on there? We haven't visited any other independent schools in the area so don't have much to compare it too. The location of Beechwood is a good fit for us as anything much further out of Tunbridge Wells wouldn't be practical.

It's a big chunk of money for us so just trying to do as much research as possible. We have a good gut feeling about the place and our daughter really likes it, so it would be great to hear from anyone who can give us their own thoughts on it. Thanks!

lizzy789 · 29/06/2021 17:34

Feel free to dm me if you have any other questions


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Cremebruleesessionguitarist · 29/06/2021 14:44

@lizzy789 Thank you for replying, that's really helpful. Sounds like what we are looking for especially the small class sizes. Good to hear your daughter has settled in so well.

lizzy789 · 29/06/2021 14:27

My daughter started last term in year 8. She is super happy there with having made lovely friendships already.
Everybody was very welcoming.
Class sizes are small (12 in her class) though some subjects like games and drama I think there are more.
My daughter also keeps mentioning how great their teaching is.
Can only recommend that school.

Cremebruleesessionguitarist · 29/06/2021 13:55

Just reading this thread as considering this school (senior) - Can anyone tell me class sizes? Pastoral care ? Pro's and con's? Going to look next week but useful to get parents perspective.

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