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Dyslexia Action is in administration

50 replies

emilydmm · 14/04/2017 10:43

Found out yesterday that Dyslexia Action has gone into administration. It is a leading charity that supports children and adults with specific learning difficulties and I am a psychologist that did assessments for them but was not employed by them. I just wanted to warn parents about this because you may have children that have tuition or assessments booked and there is no one to let you know. It completely shut yesterday with no warning for staff or any of us. Many of the psychologists and teachers are still available to do the work so contact me if you want to know more.

OP posts:
EducationMattersEssex · 20/04/2017 13:01

It really is sad, as someone who has trained with Dyslexia Action I was pleased to hear this part of the organisation will continue. Obviously that doesn't help people sho have lost money.

nas900: I am not sure where you are and I am sorry to hear you have lost your fee. I know I cannot offer this to everyone but please get in touch with me and I will see if I can carry out your assessment for free. I hope this helps you in some way. As a specialist teacher I hold the APC and as a mum of 6, I know how hard it is as a parent. You can easily find me online by searching Lisa Dyslexia Specialist Essex.


ccclllaaaiiirrreee2 · 20/04/2017 15:39

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Naylor5826 · 20/04/2017 17:23

Hello there we have just lost a lot of money with dyslexia action group unfortunately, we are still trying to get a tutor for our son at his school as they are looking for someone to sit with him as he struggles with dyslexia a lot please could you contact me for a chat.

Kind regards

Sue Smile

nas900 · 21/04/2017 11:15

I got my £513 refunded through the bank so happy Wink

nas900 · 21/04/2017 11:20

Thank you so much Lisa but I have just been refunded by my bank.I don't know you but you offering my daughter a free assessment just shows what a clean and beautiful heart you have bless you Smile

smearedinfood · 21/04/2017 13:45

Now I know why they never answered my email. If they had of sung that they were short of cash I'm sure a lot of mumsnetters would have donated a £5ver.

DyslexiaUK · 21/04/2017 16:54

There are other dyslexia organisations/charities who may be able to help.
At The Dyslexia Association, we are looking at how we can increase the assessment and tuition services we offer to try and support those children and adults who have lost their tuition/training. Contact us for further information about the services we provide.

This will probably mean we will be recruiting more dyslexia qualified assessors and teachers, so contact us if you are looking for work.

As a result of the news this week our helpline has been very busy, so it may be best to contact us by email.
The Dyslexia Association
Email: [email protected]
Helpline: 0115 924 6888
Admin: 0115 924 6880
Website: //

The Dyslexia Association is a registered charity (no 1082345), which has been providing support and services for dyslexic people of all ages, their famiies/carers, educators and employers since 1971.
We are based in Nottingham and work primarily in the East Midlands and surrounding counties.
Dee Caunt, Chief Executive.

Sophie1979 · 21/04/2017 18:29

I have just received a letter from the administrators, it details that any payments made after 8/3 were paid into a different bank account by the charity. My payment of £567 to have my daughter assessed was made after this date. Is anyone aware of why this would have been done? Without knowing the facts it would appear to be slightly underhand. Totally shocked and vaguely annoyed with myself for paying such a large amount in advance.

childmaintenanceserviceinquiry · 21/04/2017 19:09

I dont know for sure. But possibly the company was aware on that date that they were insolvent so the funds in the "new" bank account are protected. Did the letter from the administrators not give more details (slightly crap if not)? But administrators have to follow very strict procedures so perhaps they are not able to.

Sophie1979 · 21/04/2017 19:17

Quote from letter, "Please note that monies received from 8/3/17 were paid by the Charity into a separate bank account. We are currently reconciling this account and obtaining legal advice as to how to treat these monies where services have been paid for but not provided and specifically whether they are held on trust and can be returned to customers." What do you think?

JugglingMuggle · 21/04/2017 20:38

I just received the same letter today. They took my money on the 10th and went into administration 3 days later. Am so upset. Now I have to find another assessor, but I'm hundreds and hundreds out of pocket. Any of the teachers and psychologists from the egham or Winchester centres still offering assessments?

Sophie1979 · 21/04/2017 21:05

I really feel for you. Yes, it is a lot of money. It's a long process to arrive at the decision to have your child assessed with this situation in addition it is very stressful. Good luck x

whelan12 · 21/04/2017 22:45

Where in the country are you I can try and put you in touch with someone.

whelan12 · 21/04/2017 22:47

I think they are if you need someone I can try and put you in touch with an assessor

Misty2005 · 21/04/2017 23:59

I received my letter today. My daughter had her assessment at the Winchester branch on 10th April and awaiting report. Does anybody know whether I will now receive the report. The assessment lasted about 3 hours and I would dread for her to have to go through this all again.

JDupree · 01/05/2017 14:13

We can offer assessments, we are located on the Essex/Suffolk border. Please take a look at //

DyslexiaCentreNW1 · 13/05/2017 08:35

The Dyslexia Centre North West is based in Preston, Lancashire and covers most of the North West.

We pride ourselves in offering a friendly, supportive service for both parents and school settings. We offer assessments and tuition with our highly qualified specialist assessors and tutors with Practising certificates.

fryan1954 · 17/05/2017 09:44

I worked for Dyslexia Action in Leicester for a 3 year period and had just started working for them again in January of this year. I was excited about my job as I had 1 contractual day and other contractual days were in the offing; on other days I was unit paid. I was at the centre on April 13th when the call came through to get out as the administrators were coming in to shut everything down, so as with everyone else this was a big shock! I'm really sorry about all the children and adults I taught whose tuition has been so abruptly cut off.

Please contact me on: [email protected] if you're interested in private tuition. I live in Loughborough.

user1497033573 · 09/06/2017 19:59

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Burwain · 24/08/2017 15:29

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janeorr · 26/09/2017 11:52

The Bloomfield Learning Centre, in London, provide diagnostic assessments for children with Spld, including dyslexia and dyspraxia.

Dyslexiateachersarah · 01/10/2017 16:09

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OohAahBird · 12/10/2017 12:34

Does anyone know what has happened since the administration

DyslexiaSpecialistTutor · 03/11/2017 12:40

You may wish to try PATOSS. It is an organisation for Professional Specialist Tutors including Dyslexia. They have lists of accredited specialists working throughout the UK.

marinela2018 · 15/05/2018 11:52

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to let you know that Real Group has acquired the Training, Shop and Guild divisions of Dyslexia Action in April 2017. As a result, Dyslexia Action is now solely a training provider and no longer provides advice, tuition and assessments.

If you are seeking advice, tuition or assessment for yourself or your child, please download the guide below which provides further information and useful links.

Thank you.

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