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Primary education

Does anyone's primary school use an app for spellings?

54 replies

PenguinsAreAce · 17/09/2016 09:40

That's it really. Is there some sort of decent primary equivalent of show my homework, where the school supplies the spellings and the parents can download an app and use it on phones/tablets? Would be perfect if there was something visually appealing to children with the functionality to allow them to practise on the tablet. Actually, even just a way of sharing the weekly list that is not some scrappy bit of paper would be excellent.

Anyone know what's out there and how much it costs schools?

OP posts:
PenguinsAreAce · 18/09/2016 16:04

Oh well that's fine then. Seriously, we'll have to agree to disagree if your baseline for communicating via modern tech is having a website.

OP posts:
mrz · 18/09/2016 16:13

It certainly isn't my baseline but we've discovered the hard way that flashy technology doesn't make for good communication or learning

mrz · 18/09/2016 16:24

Spelling apps are old technology and largely ineffective

shouldwestayorshouldwego · 18/09/2016 16:34

I tend to photograph sheets now on my phone. It means that I don't lose them and if we have five mins spare on the move then I have them with me.

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