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Primary education

What's normal to achieve by the end of reception?

33 replies

Myst97 · 25/06/2015 13:47

I only ask as I have been told nothing about dd's progress all year other than 'she's fine'.

OP posts:
poppy70 · 28/06/2015 00:30

Yes in most cases it is a judgement call. Just got to hope the judgements are an accurate description of the child.

mrz · 28/06/2015 06:15

You should only get the scores at the end of the reception year prior to that settings should be completing formative assessment to help them plan for your child's learning (and would be looking at the development matters age bands) not to award scores.

mrz · 28/06/2015 06:54

At any level unless it's a test where there is a clear right or wrong answer assessment is going to have a degree of subjectivity. One teacher's expected could be another's emerging or another's exceeding. Even with the exemplification examples it isn't clear

BarbarasDrySand · 28/06/2015 07:14

Mrz, I take your point about a 5 year old not being expected to be able to use commas etc hence not being considered exceeding, I think I was just surprised because she said he had met all the other criteria for exceeding but that was holding him back. I mean, I know adults who struggle with commas Grin

mrz · 28/06/2015 07:36

Sorry if I've given that impression but that wasn't my point ... I was merely stating that there is no expectation for children at the end of reception (5 year olds) to use full stops and commas.
Children in Y1 aren't expected to use them accurately 100% of the time.
Obviously without knowing your child I can't comment on whether he should be awarded exceeding but as people have said its all pretty subjective and if the teacher doesn't see enough evidence in independent work they won't award it.

BarbarasDrySand · 28/06/2015 09:57

No problem, it all bemuses me to be honest. I'm more concerned that ds is behaving and making friends. The school work can wait til Y1! I hadn't thought about it the way you explained it though, so it's helpful.

sleeponeday · 28/06/2015 11:24

I agree.

I may be remembering the scores wrongly then Mrz - they were scored, and it was against a set framework of three options, but I couldn't tell you if it was age or number 1-3 related. Nor, to be honest, do I think it makes any difference to my point, which is that grading children that small, as happens, seems a little questionable at best.

mrz · 28/06/2015 11:51

Definitely questionable practice

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