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The new curriculum and report layout

6 replies

Mandzi34 · 17/05/2015 20:31

I was just wondering how different school reports are likely to be this year considering the changes to the curriculum. In recent years we've been given the levels. Is this now going to change? When DS was in Year 1 we just used to get 'below average' 'average' or 'above average'.

OP posts:
bigTillyMint · 17/05/2015 22:09

Yes the government have changed to a well thought out new system which will be easily understood by parents and teachers within and across schools. Nationally, in fact, as it is a National Curriculum.


We have a National Curriculum (which is no longer compulsory in Academies, I think) but no proper National Assessment Framework.

Millymollymama · 17/05/2015 22:04

My LA have said the assessment criteria have yet to be published. Next term apparently. Still quite a lot to be worked out I gather.

RunsWithScissors · 17/05/2015 20:51

Sorry, by grade they are in, I mean which year they are in.

RunsWithScissors · 17/05/2015 20:50

We had a meeting at DDs school explaining the way they will be "grading". Levels can no longer be used/referred to.

If I understand it correctly, the grading will now be based on where the child is in relation to the particular grade they are in. Apparently they are trying to broaden the depth of understanding of topics/skills, instead of pushing them on to the next level quickly.

Sounds good, here's hoping it is :-)

Mandzi34 · 17/05/2015 20:45

Thanks AsBrightAsAJewel !

OP posts:
AsBrightAsAJewel · 17/05/2015 20:43

It is entirely up to individual schools. There is no required format for reports.

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