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Good Maths Games..

8 replies

TheStorySoFar · 29/04/2015 19:49

Any tips? My 9yo DD is struggling a little & I'd like to make maths fun. Fractions & times tables are the main stumbling blocks ATM. I'm reading Amazon r/v but any more input would be gratefully received. TYIA.

OP posts:
JustRichmal · 02/05/2015 07:35

To teach dd fractions, I just used an A4 pad of paper and drew circles, which you can then divide up depending on what you are teaching. I used the Letts revision guide and workbook to know what I should be teaching. Making the work as visual as possible will not only make it more fun, it will help increase their understanding.

For times tables, I used to do one sum a day and ask her it 3 or 4 times throughout the day.

I would also recommend Khan Academy because of the clarity of the videos. I used to turn to it when there were bits I was struggling with.

donkir · 01/05/2015 21:48

Try the happy puzzle company and orchard toys they both have great educational games.

kennythekangaroo · 01/05/2015 21:45

I now swear by Percy parker's times tables on the iPad followed by the squeebles times table game.

Dd(y3) was finding tables really hard going so we do 2 rounds of tables each day and she's gone from screeching,crying and taking over 2 minutes to answer 12 questions to being able to do it in about 40 seconds.

There is a squeebles division app too.

She also likes a fraction app called slice which isn't particularly hard but enabled her to really visualise fractions.

TheStorySoFar · 30/04/2015 21:37

Brilliant, thk you all so much! Will get to check these out this weekend with any luck.

OP posts:
RevealTheHiddenBeach · 30/04/2015 19:56

times tables - there's an android/apple app - "perfect times" times tables. It used to be a card game and is a brilliant way to learn tables, I used it in primary and now use it with my own y5 class. its cheap and is v good because it does tables out of order Inc division which not many do

letsghostdance · 30/04/2015 18:41

sumdog is brilliant

PastSellByDate · 30/04/2015 09:41

Hi TheStorySoFar

I've found these helpful:

Woodlands Junior School Maths Zone: - links to all sorts of useful free games/ resources. I used to try them out first to ensure they weren't too hard for DD1 (who struggled at this stage) - but there's a wide range of choices so there's usually something that hits the spot.

Timez Attack - you can pay for this but there is a free two-platform version. It's basically a maze that you travel about in (cast as a young ogre) and every now and then you solve multiplication problems - which are shown both as multiple additions you count up and as standard vertical multiplicaiton problems. They also use the commutative rule (i.e. 6 x 9 is the same thing as 9 x 6) so you are presented with problems to solve in both ways. It can be a little stressful - but it really helps with recall speed. link here:

I haven't used this myself - but there is a US website called 'help with fractions' which has explanations of the various operations involved in working with fractions and may be helpful:

Finally - Khan academy has free videos - you hear the disembodied voice and see the maths working out on the screen which sometimes help too:


JohnnyDeppsfuturewife · 29/04/2015 20:03

Based on a recommendation here I bought mathical creatures, a card game in which you can do addition, subtraction, division and multiplication in order to win cards with mythical creatures on.

Dd, who's year 2, loves it, although I have to help a lot with division and multiplication and lose on purpose!

We also have the squeebles times tables and fractions apps and dd enjoys them.

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