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Times Tables - best app/websites?

33 replies

tassisssss · 27/10/2014 16:52

Hi all, i'm keen to get my guys practising their tables more.

Anyone got any good apps or websites that you use?


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HelenParker · 15/01/2020 21:24

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Starrystars · 22/01/2020 11:15

Table Fables has worked really well for our daughter. After using it for about 3 weeks, her recall has improved dramatically, and most importantly her confidence is up and stress levels down. She also uses the site without me having to nag her. The initial challenge with money up for grabs instilled the habit of logging on regularly, and so hopefully she'll keep going. I was initially skeptical about the memory technique employed, as the stories seemed a bit complicated, but it has definitely worked for her - she says in her test if she's stuck, thinking back to the story has brought the answer to mind. I really liked that using Table Fables was a relaxed experience, without undue focus on speed. This had really put us off using other times table practice sites as it just increased stress levels.

Raspberry123 · 22/01/2020 11:23

Times tables rockstar

care4kids · 11/02/2020 11:29

Tables Fables is absolutely brilliant! There are cartoons to go with every times table question and they send your child money as an incentive for them to practice. My 7 year old daughter has absolutely loved it and now knows 75% of her times tables in as little as a month! Highly recommend.

Justanothamama · 24/06/2021 18:28

Table fables was recommended to me through a friend and it’s been amazing. My daughter was not memorizing from school or me. It was just an avalanche of numbers for her that she couldn’t keep up with. Table fables gives each number character and each equation a story. She was able to memorize them so quickly that way. She enjoys the website and the learning cartoons. She’s just won back her 10 pounds for completing her times table challenge. But I will be continuing my subscription because it’s affordable and useful for revision. They’re also adding a helping kids to tell the time feature which I’m very excited for. Thumbs up from me.

Rosesareyellow · 24/06/2021 18:34

Google times table memory game, my child really struggled with xtables but has become obsessed and very competitive playing this with me.

Rosesareyellow · 24/06/2021 18:36

@Ferguson school will obviously cover all this, of course children still need to learn to recall table facts.

mamabear1982 · 27/01/2024 16:29

We really liked Bubble Tables on the iPad. My son and daughter both really enjoyed playing it and now have all their timetables down. But they still like playing it from time to time. In fact I quite enjoy it myself!

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