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Steiner free school anyone?

55 replies

3asAbird · 26/06/2014 13:30

Ok anyone at steiner exeter, hereford or go other steiner schools want give me some feedback.

keep hearing negatives.

baically start r but kindergarten 2years
then year 2 is lower primary goes all way upto year 7
They dont start formal reading/writing untiil year 2 age 7
no efys, phnics test, natipnal curriculum or keystage 2sats.

from what i can see they free of testing.

they agreed keystage year 6 testing although what they would score if not followed curriculum.

1 form tutor then lots subject teachers but several years with same teacher.

apparently herfeford achieved god gsces but they only offer 7

I been assured its not a cultish religion or pagens/athiests.
its educational philosophy in same way motentessori.

but its is alternative and need think would it limit them academically.

OP posts:
Velvetbee · 01/07/2014 15:01

Nasty accounts from my friends too, who tried Steiner before eventually home educating.
The little girl who was made to colour in a picture of Eve again because she had given her dark hair and 'Eve was blond'.
The boy who regressed in sleep and toiletting because he was bullied so badly but was told he was paying a karmic debt.
The mum who volunteered on nature trips but wasn't allowed to stop the children roaming all over the lanes including round blind bends because the 'nature spirits would protect them from any cars'.

Rain17 · 01/07/2014 20:36

You can do your own research on what Steiner has to say in his own words, on a number of things here:

Yes this is a Steiner-critical site. The links on that page go to the Steiner Estate's own online archive. You can also substitute your own search terms.

There is lots to read through. I would very seriously recommend this kind of research before sending a child to a Steiner school.

Rain17 · 01/07/2014 21:44

Sorry try this link:

escaped · 01/07/2014 22:25

I agree rain17. Everyone should do thorough research. Thanks for this link.
I hope readers do their utmost to read everything and then take into account the pros and cons. If people choose to take this particular path, they must be armed and have gusto, to take a step back and have a real good hard look as to what these institutions have to offer. Is this really what you want for your child? You can instil good nature, manners, respect, education, happy, fun loving children - at home. Why give this responsibility to schools? Especially a steiner school. My advice is to stay away and be thankful you didnt put yourself and your child/family through steiner experience.

Enrol your child in a steiner institution and then wave goodbye to them!

Tamarandave · 20/05/2016 00:03

3asabird writes in relation to Steiner schools: "I....keep hearing negatives". Well there is a very good reason for that. Run a mile....and then keep running some more....then a bit more still.

Free of testing sounds great...who likes exams after all?
But no testing also means you have no objective ideal of how your children are doing. You only have the word of the class teacher to go on. You will be at his/her mercy and will have to place all your trust in them and what they say.
It also means you wont be able to find out if your child needs extra help to catch up, or indeed is advanced and could do with bringing on...or has a particular gift that needs cultivating.
It also means the Steiner teacher is less accountable and therefore less likely to feel responsible. It also means they can avoid scrutiny if they are bad teachers.
Ok you say...maybe you will find out without tests. So you can go to the head and complain... Sorry but there wont be a head to go to. Just a college of teachers where no one takes responsibility and nobody is held accountable. The teachers and staff just watch out for each other and the parents are left without anywhere to turn.

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