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Reading and Numeracy Tests in Wales.

30 replies

Redmasseyinmydrive · 10/05/2014 18:34

DCs have had their tests last week, I feel they are still very young to be having 'proper' tests. Luckily they were both very calm and took it in their nerves etc.

Are these being marked in school? How is everyone's else DCs got on?

OP posts:
hellymelly · 12/05/2014 15:15

I was surprised how worried my dd's have been, so I think their friends must be anxious too. They were very worried before the tests and have come home getting stressed about how they have done. DD2 only turned 7 last week.

PassTheSherry · 14/05/2014 13:19

We were finally given the information booklet the day before their last test, too late to worry about it (maybe that was the intention). I think I would have preferred to have been given the information sooner though - so I could have at least shown dc a couple of sample questions, especially since some children in other schools have been given practice samples to take home etc!

If tests are standardised perhaps the dissemination of the info surrounding them, and the practice of, should be too - particularly when they are all being measured against one another over national averages.

Anyway...6yo seems to have been Ok on the whole, but I can tell she's been slightly stressed, as she has been in extra need of cuddles this week, and asked me how much I love her etc. I think if I had been more informed I could have reassured her a bit more - or maybe I could've made it worse by trying to get her to practice sample questions, who knows.

Now the waiting for results begins. And this is yearly from now?! They seem so young for all this! I know something has to be done to raise standards in Wales...but I do hope this is not a way of bogging teachers down in yet more admin, and putting increasing pressure on parents to become erstwhile educators in their place.

I know parents should be involved but I don't think I ever hear any teacher say on here there isn't enough admin/recording. I'm all for parent involvement in their child's learning but i hope it isn't simply because the government have made such a mess of things, that parents are now having to fill in the increasing gaps because teachers are taken out of the classroom for tick boxing exercises.

LittleMissGreen · 14/05/2014 15:38

PassTheSherry I'm afraid they are yearly from year 2 until year 9.

LittleMissGreen · 14/05/2014 15:38

Oh, and as for waiting for results, last year they were late!

fireflybelle · 19/05/2014 10:29

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