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Left/right handed....

4 replies

mcra · 18/04/2014 07:49

Hi, my DD is in year 2. She was a slow developer in writing (didn't do any real drawing before about age 4, just scribbles). In Reception they were unsure what hand she should use to write and after trying both decided that the left was better (or rather, less worse). Ever since then she's been writing with her left hand.

Trouble is, I've become increasingly convinced that she's not actually left handed at all. Every test I've done suggests that she's right handed/footed/eyed, etc. She's also continued to have issues with her writing. It's quite messy, but also she frequently writes letters/numbers back to front, and writes small letter combinations like 'in' or 'or' backwards. Her reading is good (above average). I'm aware of issues that in the past were caused by naturally left-handed people being forced to write with the wrong hand and I'm worried that we've done the reverse to her.

Should we try to get her to switch hands for writing while she's still young? Or just leave it and hope she gets to grips with the writing even if it is with the 'wrong' hand for her?

Anyone else have similar experiences?

Thanks for any help!

OP posts:
Ferguson · 18/04/2014 19:20

This might not help, but it does show you are not alone:


HoleySocksBatman · 18/04/2014 09:05

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ThreeLannistersOneTargaryen · 18/04/2014 08:57

I'm a bit Shock that the school told her which hand to write with. DS2 hadn't settled on his handedness until well into Y1. The school (thankfully) just waited for it to develop naturally, and let him do mark-making and basic letter shapes with either hand.

mrz · 18/04/2014 08:52

Why did the school decide? Ask her which she finds best

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