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Primary education

If your child is on orange level ort

27 replies

blackandwhiteandredallover · 30/11/2013 07:59

Do they finish a whole book in one sitting? Or over 2/3 nights. DD is averaging about 2 school books a week at the moment as it takes her 2 or 3 nights to finish one. They are about 20 pages long.

I've been wondering if the level is too high for her or maybe I'm just expecting too much- she always used to finish the green books in one sitting.

OP posts:
mrz · 02/12/2013 19:13

I just bought some packs of All Star 20 books for £15 from the book people instead of £128 from OUP.

We divide the "book" budget equally between FS/KS1 & KS2 and are constantly buying new books.

We have just bought lots of collections from (examples of year 3/4 but available for all year groups)

sittinginthesun · 02/12/2013 21:20

my ds2 "finished" the scheme books last year, and was given the choice of free reading from the library or picking anything he fancied from the scheme boxes.

he's very happily working his way through the key stage 2 scheme books and really enjoying them.

He had a fantastic book on evolution, he's currently reading a poetry book...really interesting stuff. much better to listen to then Horrid Henry or Spy Dog.

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